Pollution (English version)

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2 years ago

Pollution is the presence of harmful substances in the environment that have a negative impact on health and biodiversity. It is mainly caused by human activity, such as the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere or the overexploitation of natural resources, which can lead to serious human diseases, species extinction, and global imbalance.

Types of pollution:

Ø  Thermal pollution.

Ø  Air pollution.

Ø  Radiation pollution.

Ø  Visual pollution.

Ø  Water pollution.

Ø  Soil pollution

Ø  noise pollution

Causes of pollution:

  • Heavy felling of trees.

  • Pesticides and chemicals.

  • Exploitation, processing, and transformation of fossil fuels such as oil and gas.

  • High rate of waste generation.

  • Wide range of petroleum-based materials such as plastics.

Consequences of pollution:

·         Damage to the health of living organisms.

·         Global warming is increasing.

·         Loss of ecosystems.

·         Loss or reduction of natural resources.

·         Water intoxication.

·         Soil erosion.

·         Degradation of the natural landscape.

Possible Solutions:

  • Choose a reusable product or container.

  • Do not throw rubbish on public roads or in rivers.

  • Limit the use of polluting vehicles.

  • Reduce plastic consumption.

  • Plant forests.

  • Use renewable energies.

  • Limit the use of aerosols or pesticides.


Pollution is not important to many people because they do not realize what they are doing, even though we all pollute the environment by burning rubbish or throwing away tons of rubbish every day, and this also causes soil, air, and water pollution. But the big companies are also polluting the environment more because they produce a lot of the smoke that we inhale from the bacteria that the big companies produce.


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Written by
2 years ago
