'I am breaking up with you"

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“I am breaking up with you”

“What did I do?”

“I do not think you love me. You do not fight for me. You do not even get jealous”

“Were you trying to make me jealous? Why”

The above is a true conversation edited. Apparently it is a sin not to display jealousy. I did not write not feel it, but not to display it. It was a little confusing. You have a relationship, you demonstrate love, but you do not love enough not to display jealousy.

Early in my adulthood, I learnt some facts: you can’t force love. You can’t buy genuine affection. Jealousy is a waste of emotions. A person that will cheat, will cheat.... ain’t nothing you can do about that.

I also recognize women and men love to be desired. Women are more emotionally mature than men. What a woman will endure, a man will not even consider.

Having said that, jealousy should not be a weapon to test or prove love. A jealous man can still have affairs with several women and be jealous of all. Some women too.

Jealousy that provokes rage will kill. Avoid relationships like that.

In all, use your brain when possible. Love, can take away reasoning. Lust... that one is death!

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Thank you all

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice article, keep it up

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Apparently this is a notch article.

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3 years ago