"I was born poor: I don't wanna die poor"

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2 years ago

Have you ever slept at night on an empty stomach or not even eaten dinner?

When I was young I used to hate my parents for why we were poor. I'm always jealous of my classmates who wear nice clothes, bags and shoes to school, while mine are my cousins' old clothes.

But as I grew older I realized how much my parents sacrificed to support me and my siblings. And even though we had a very hard life back then, they still insisted that the four of us be able to study or go to school even if they were in debt.

I have a principle in life now "I don't want to die poor ". Just like an author in the book said "If you were born poor it's not your fault, but when you die poor, it's your fault. That's I always put in my mind I don't want to die poor. If there's anything I can do to get out of our situation or poverty I will. That's why I invested on Crypto I have a goal for my children and also to my parents. I want my parents to retire before age 60. I want them to enjoy their life and I want to be a good daughter to them.

I'm not the type of person who is always dependent on others, for me I have a hand and a brain, what's the use of them if I don't use them. As the Bible says "take action and I will help you" . So if you want to be successful work hard or you make way to be successful. I believe that a person’s success is not just its destiny.

If you want to succeed in life make way and don’t stop until you reach your goal.

$ 0.04
$ 0.01 from @LucyStephanie
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2 years ago
