Meet the first blockchain-equipped 5G Smartphone

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3 years ago

SK Telecom , South Korea's leading mobile phone operator, has teamed up with Samsung to launch the world's first 5G phone equipped with a blockchain- based authentication feature . The Galaxy A Quantum will go on sale in China for USD 528 from the 22 of maypole , although there will be a presale from 15 to 21.

The new smartphone , which is a variant of the Galaxy A71 5G , has a set of chips that generate quantum random numbers (QRNG) , which, according to its creators, makes it " impossible to hack ."

According to the official announcement, SK Telecom remarks that quantum security is used for a blockchain- based mobile electronic authentication function . All the data protected in this function (“Initial”) will be encrypted and can not be accessed without a decryption key .

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Ehat an useful information! 5G smartphone! Okay I cannot efford it! Still feeling good to hear about it! I use samsung mobile! It would have been so good if It could be transformed to 5G🤣😂🤣😂(joking) Thank you for this latest news..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

There are concerns about the health implications of 5G network. Such phone poses a risk to a user's health, in addition to its high cost. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

5G Phone with built-in blockchain. This won't go well to those who keep claiming bad things. And the damn thing's expensive! Maybe I'll just wait for more releases before getting this outdated however may it be.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wow, the price is still quite fantastic. But I hope to have it later.

$ 0.00
3 years ago