IOV Labs Launches RIF Lumino Network Light Client to Bring Bitcoin DeFi to Mobile Devices

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3 years ago

IOV Labs announced the launch of its Light Client for RIF Lumino Payments Network , a third-tier Bitcoin scaling solution. The RIF payment network Lumino enables off-chain payment capabilities for any current or future ERC20 compliant tokens implemented in the RSK and RIF blockchain networks.

RIF Lumino Light Client enables developers to integrate distributed blockchain security without running a full node. Only an internet connection and a mobile device are required for the client-integrated dApps. RIF Lumino enables two-way payment channels with a network processing capacity of 100 transactions per second and the ability to increase scalability to 20,000TPS.

The announcement will be made shortly after the launch of the RIF Dollar stablecoin. Tied to the dollar and guaranteed by the RIF token, the RIF dollar can be directly in the RIF on Chain environment using RIF Token, without the need for a secured debt position. Users have full control over their RIF dollars, and can freely transfer and store them in a compatible hardware wallet. The integration of RIF dollars is now available in RIF Lumino and its Light Client.

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