Curious Captures in Hà Nội City [Nr.23]

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3 years ago

Two months later, và tôi vẫn không về nước yêu thích của tôi. Still in my home country, waiting for Vietnam to open the borders again. So, time for another trip down memory lane!

Áo Việt

It is weird looking back through my photo's now. Some shirts before the pandemic started were straight up prophetic.

We all knew about the virus, but we just kept traveling...

The lockdown itself has been lifted in Vietnam more than a month ago. And in most countries people feel like they are past the low point. After the depressing times, we get creative and find a way to make things work.

Sad Shirts

Vietnamese people love sad songs and depressing prints. It's everywhere.

Sometimes the sadness turns into anger.

Perhaps they channel this part of their yin and yang into creativity, as not to let it control them in the rest of their lives.

Or at least. So I hope.

Asian Things

But enough with the negative stuff. The world is looking for positive vibes. And you can find those in Vietnam for sure.

One of the things I miss most are the good old lakes of Hà Nội.

These lakesides are basically community centers. Always full of people talking, working out, eating chè đô đen đá, drinking trà and playing Xiangqi.

This picture was taken in the morning, when the whole neighbourhood had come out on their bicycles to do their morning walks around the lake.

I miss the sweet people. And the delicious street food. And the simple solutions.

I mean. Why bother the extra work if this works fine.

One of the creative solutions at a bia hởi toilet.

At the moment it is rainy season in Vietnam. And everyone has their own way of dealing with it. Poncho's are the standard. And If you are driving with two people, the one behind just crawls underneath from the back. They come in all kinds of colours. Family ponchos also exist.

But why not one that is see-through? An awesome invention.

Some rather keep it classy

Không lo lắng

I hope all of you readers around this trái đất are happy and healthy. Stay creative. Stay calm. This too will pass. Don't give too many fucks. Be like the Vietnamese. Don't take it all to serious.

Like this guy. Have nice stuff. But don't let it stop you from living.

Sống ngày nào biết ngày đó.

You just know about the day you live. So live by the day.

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3 years ago
