We know that Harmony is aiming to be a top Blockchain project for cross finance in the next year. It’s a great solid project, it's growing fast and starting to have good numbers if you look at partnerships and collaborations.
One of their biggest purpose of the Harmony Protocol is to become an easy access to the infinity amount of Ethereum Apps (DEfi, NTF, Gaming) ensuring lower fees for users.
This is already enough to be very interested about the project ad how it works, but there's more:
The Harmony project is finally fully interoperable with the Ethereum ecosystem.
This means that App developers can now easily port their applications already written using ether.js or web3.js onto Harmony, while users can add the Harmony Network on their Metamask wallet [How to connect (ONE)Harmony blockchain & Metamask].
Using the Horizon Bridge technology anyone can move assets on Harmony. ETH and ERC20/HRC721 assets can be transferred to Harmony and vice versa ONE and HRC20/HRC721 assets can be transferred to Ethereum.
We’ll be finally able to interact with Ethereum De-Fi and NFT’s apps written using web3 or ether.js but deployed on Harmony without worrying anymore about high fees or latency.
That's why I really hope that the Harmony Protocol will keep on growing and managing in the scalability of Ethereum.