It's All about mothers

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1 year ago

Mother has three letters But the mother's collection

But it contains the entire universe within itself. Writing something on the greatness of mother is like locking the ocean in a jar. The word mother has as many languages ​​as the world. Mother's words are sweet in whatever language is spoken. Mother kindness, sincerity,

Selfless is another name for love and sacrifice.

Motherhood is a very grand and beautiful gift given by Almighty. A mother is the only relationship in the world that is formed by the light of pure love. A mother is a person who feeds her children by being hungry herself.

Sacrifice of mothers for their children

She herself agrees to sleep on a wet bed. But she does not approve of sedating her child by lying on a wet bed. A mother is like a breeze in the hot sun. It is like the colors of the rainbow in the sky. The house in which there is a mother like entity. That house is no less than a paradise. Mother is the entity by whose prayers a person becomes successful in this world, then by serving her, the Hereafter is also enlightened. Allah has placed paradise under the feet of the mother, so it can be understood from this that what is the position of the mother. A mother is a being who moves closer to death when she gives birth to her child. But she is not afraid to sacrifice her life for her child without fear of death.

The word mother is very beautiful.!!!

The word mother is very beautiful

But she demands all the comforts of the world for her child. A mother's tongue always has words of prayer for her children. A man rises from a pauper to a king. Everything in this world has a measure. Like sun, moon, day and night, everything between earth and sky has a measure. But no measure of mother's love for her children has been discovered till date. Where she puts all the secrets of her children. Where the word mother came, know that the place of literature came. When there is no cure for the sufferings of a person, he comes to the mother's embrace and feels relief in spite of his sorrows and troubles, which he will not be able to do even on the throne of the kingdom.

Regarding the rewards and favors of mothers.

Mother's favors are so much rewarded that even if the children are grateful to them all their lives, the right cannot be paid.

There is a tradition that a person asked the Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, "Who is the most entitled to my good treatment, Messenger of Allah ﷺ?" He said, "Your mother three times." He replied the same.

God blessed Mothers are a special gift given by Allah.

Mother Allah is the first school of great intellect and consciousness. The fountain of purity and a garden where the river is as soft as the leaves of banana leaves. And the mother in whose eyes mercy is in her hands Paradise in Peru, in the embrace of which the peace of the whole world has been placed.

The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "Beware of the bad supplications of your parents, because they break through the clouds and reach the door of popularity and are accepted, and the bad supplications of your mother are sharper than a sword." One who misbehaves with his mother is guilty of a sin which is a sin which will not be forgiven but will be written off.

Allah Almighty has said that "I will not forgive the person who is scolded by his parents, no matter how good he may be, but I will definitely forgive him who behaves well with his parents."

Importance and virtue of mothers.

Mother is the most valuable asset of the universe. A man without a mother is like a branch that faces the winds of time and the heat of the sun without a canopy.

In turn, we pray to Allah to protect all mothers so that no one is deprived of a mother's embrace, her advice, her prayers, her selfless love. Along with this, may the Lord of the Universe give the children the opportunity to honor and serve their mothers.

Of mothers Regarding honor and respect of mothers.

By serving your mother, you will get honor, you will get wealth and you will get heaven

The fact that she is "mother" is sufficient for the greatness of the mother

And the "glory" of the mother is that the Lord gave a mother

He also gave "Paradise" to give to his children

We pray to Allah Almighty to grant healthy life to those whose mothers are alive and to forgive those whose mothers have passed away and grant them a high place in Jannah al-Firdous.

(Amen) or Lord of the worlds.

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