Some Reasons For the Dip

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3 years ago


We woke up today to a market dip, some reasons are behind this, the most "popular" are the following.

A shortage of electricity in a city of China that is famous for the quantity of BTC miners, this lead to a huge shortage in BTC hashrate, hashrate and price are two things that walk together.

Today 10b $ of BTC orders were liquidated, just the usual day in crypto market corrections, this happens from time to time so don't panic.

In other news US regulation authority is sueing companies for money laundrying, this can be related also to Bitcoin.

Almost every coin followed the 20% dip of BTC, but there are some survivors, somehow DOGE managed to survive after yesterday dip, NANO kept pumping and a old friend appear again, Vertcoin pumped almost 100%.

Just another day in crypto world, the ones who been here for sometimes know that this happens and like some say we are almost numb to this dips.

Hope you like the article and stay well.

Best Regards,


$ 0.74
$ 0.74 from @TheRandomRewarder
