Cardano: How To Calculate Your SundaeSwap Airdrop

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Avatar for Cryptopeach
2 years ago

SundaeSwap launched a few day ago and rewards for stakers started to be calculated on the 25th of January.

How to know how much you will receive?

SundaeSwap team launched a method to calculate how much you will earn every epoch that the airdrop will be active. You only have to put your ADA receiving address on the the following link:

This link will let you know how much you will earn and you will get a pretty good idea of the value you will get. Remember that you only have to put your receiving address in the search bar, nobody can take anything from you from your receiving address.

How do you claim the tokens after the end of the airdrop?

You will have to use DripDropz to claim your Sundae tokens. Although it seems like an extra effort just to claim a token, this platform is very good and a easy tool for developers to launch their airdrop. On this platform it's the user who pays for the transaction fees making it easier and cheaper for anyone who wants to launch a token on the Cardano blockchain.

You can claim a maximum of 10 different tokens on DripDropz for exactly the same fee, so make sure you claim your Sundae and atleast Drip token at the same time.

Why claim Drip token and Sundae at the same time?

You will pay the same fee if you claim only Sundae or both Sundae and Drip. You will claim 1000 Drip tokens that you can sell right away on MuesliSwap or SundaeSwap, selling these 1k tokens will pay for the fee you paid to receive Sundae and you will still be with some profit. This means that even though you paid a fee to claim Sundae and Drip, after claiming them the Drip token alone will be more valuable than the fee you payed. This is a good way for you to claim your tokens for free, you will only have to do a little more work to sell Drip. It seems worth it to do it for a free claim.

I advise you to start to get used dealing with DripDropz and DeFi on Cardano before you claim your tokens, this way you will be well prepared when the day comes. You will have 1 year to claim your Sundae before you can't claim it anymore.

Cardano's network is a little bit congested due to the problems we already know of, so expect to take sometime untill your tokens show up in your wallet.

Best Regards,


$ 1.93
$ 1.93 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Cryptopeach
2 years ago
