Bitcoin and Tesla: The Importance It Has to Every Cryptocurrency

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3 years ago

Hello, today one of the news of the day was that Elon Musk has made possible to buy a Tesla car with Bitcoin. How is this so important and why it's not just publicity?

The car market is huge and has a lot of exposure, everyone wants to buy a car and electric cars are on their way to the mainstream. Everyone knows Tesla and how it revolutionized the industry.

Bitcoin was set as a method of payment to buy a Tesla, the exposure BTC will have will be gigantic making more people aware of it. This will mean a use case for BTC that makes it real in the eyes of the old fashioned people and the ones that still believe that BTC is a ponzi scheme. Everyone will see this on the news and everyone will understand that they are seeing something with real potential. More research will be done by this people, more coins they will find with different use cases, many like us will fall in love with crypto.

Another thing to consider is that we have seen Elon Musk being the guy who makes things become a good use case in the world, without him the electric cars would be years behind still, NASA wouldn't have any chance to travel to Mars in this or the next decade. He is like gasoline to technology, he lights the match and everyone moments later start to follow and over time every technology he touches becomes trending.

Some of you might not like Musk, but he might be the way people will start to pay attention to blockchain. The majority of people don't even imagine that some of the problems they have in their life can be solved with blockchain technology.

The second after people search about BTC they will find Altcoins, BCH, ETH, ADA, LTC, every Top 20 coin at least will have attention.

Maybe blockchain technology just made a 5 to 10 years leap just because of Elon Musk, we will see.

Don't forget that this is a very popular use case for BTC and other cryptos.

Hope you all stay well.

Best Regards,


$ 0.46
$ 0.46 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Cryptopeach
3 years ago
