Housewife's Goal- Crypto Accumulation, my cryptoverse journey continues...

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Avatar for Crypto_dream25
3 years ago

Since I have decided to share my cryptoverse journey that started last 2019. My small steps to cryptocurrency gaining, lead to so many paths.

Since "newbie" as I labelled myself in this techie and advanced world of online earning, my mind wasn't that open yet in investing, period. I've encountered various tutorials about gaining cryptos, starting by just playing games. I thought that's cool. I was just seated at home playing some games then voila! Yes I accumulated some and to be honest those were seriously cents in value if converted to peso or even dollar. Despite the little amounts I have gotten in daily basis, I still soaked myself in playing and downloading more apps for crypto games, convinced myself that even if these were just "satoshi" or the smallest value of bitcoin and bitcoin cash, also "gwei" for the smallest value of ethereum, I was still driven to keep doing it. Imagined myself doing a piggy bank thinggy in a virtual basis. Happy and thankful that it's possible to acquire these kinds of assets by investing TIME and EFFORT without money involved. To name the things I did there were Gaming, faucet visits, I also registered on the so called MINING type but I never invested hoping that the sort of free mining could make me earn more, but no I never did. Capital S. C. A. M. That was me in 2019 when I pursued the free stuffs in the cryptoverse. End result- small gains.

But never did I settled in just playing of crypto games all along on that year. I still continued learning by choosing carefully who to follow in youtube in terms of helpful tips and information about learning how to trade, the basic form of it, since this path is considered a good source of earning but not that easy to do especially for beginner like me. I was not able to understand it even If I was already trying it, so I cannot say that I gained in that part as a newbie, maybe because I only invested a minimal amount. I also learned that trading takes years to be mastered and if its being done seriously and consistently. Fear ate me up on my early days of embracing this kind of earning.

Come the Pandemic months of 2020 I was decided that If earning was the main goal or target, being open to investment has to be considered too.

I joined several earning platforms. I got carried away by the HYPING in the way sites are being promoted in Social Media, since I was new with everything about investment. I still pushed and went on with the flow of following the need for spending money and giving it to the system with full hope and trust with that certain site (or people I cannot see) what they've promised. It was okay in the beginning. But the real thing in investing is not about earning only. "RISK OR INVEST WHAT YOU CAN AFFORD TO LOSE" this is the only fact that has to be remembered and most importantly accepted. There will be times when the company will be kind and gentle but as the days went by, management will impose new rules. For some site will just close without prior notice. But I also encountered some good leaders who gave refunds when the earning site started collapsing.

I am a small player or investor type. Yes I have a certain fear of not gaining all that was promised to me so I don't invest that much. But when I started earning I invested once again what I've gained , plus I keenly observe the ebbs and flow of the charts of my favourite cryptos,because my plan from the very beginning is to get hold of them even just small fraction of various types of cryptocurrency . Hold them till their values blow.

So while pandemic was really devastating I still managed to be hopeful. I just kept joining some good investment platforms (based on my judgement). If I'm being invited to join, but if Im not convinced with the offer I don't join.

My pattern of behaviour of reinvesting was consistent in 2020, everytime I open my wallets and seeing my accumulated Bitcoin, ethereum and tron plus other cryptos grew in quantity, I can't help but smile. Im telling myself that somehow courage, time and effort pays off.

Yes patience pays. Time and effort pays. In my next coming article I will share how I managed to play with the flow in order to keep my goal of gaining in quantity and quality. Showing figures is not necessary since my accumulated cryptos are currently under 100,000 pesos only, investing 1,000 pesos last year. My only point here is there's savings in crypto compared to bank. There is possibility of reaching your dreams when you steadily spend time exploring cryptocurrency.

Holding will be my next topic as a continuation of my journey since this is the hard part but really important.

I hope this second part somehow turns out as a guide for others who are just about to begin or have just started.

$ 0.05
$ 0.05 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Crypto_dream25
3 years ago
