Understanding the person of christoshi, founder of CryptoSorted

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2 years ago

This post will be more personal than any of the articles I've written so far, especially in relation to the why and how of my involvement in CryptoSorted and DegenMaxi.

I decided to write this post because I see that a lot of people genuinely misunderstands me, mostly because they do not have the facts and I want to set the records straight.

Why I started CryptoSorted

On February 26, 2021, I held an AMA session on the r/btc subreddit and one of the participants me this question

How did you get the idea to start something like Cryptosorted and what was the motivation?

And my answer remains the same.

I started CryptoSorted mainly because I wanted a personal blog where I can publish informative posts about crypto to newbies. I find myself answering the same questions over and over again when I talk to people about crypto.

So I thought, why not create a blog and write an article for the most popular and important topics so that the next time someone asks me, I will just send them the link.

I love efficiency, and this felt like a better use of my time and energy. And that's how CryptoSorted was born.

Click here to read the full AMA recap.

Why I write

I am not a "career writer" and I did not create CryptoSorted to be one. I do not write as a business.

I write mostly to share personal experiences and research findings on projects and topics that interest me. I'm also motivated to write in response to an article request by a community member.

I can't 'write for writing sake' or as an obligation, as there would be no life in the words I write and it would make me feel wasted.

That is why you will notice that my writing is neither frequent nor consistent but random.

It's not because I'm lazy, I enjoy writing, but only about things I am experienced with or passionate about. Or in response to someone's question which requires more details or a step-by-step guide.

This is me and why I write.

If I am not experienced with or passionate about something and someone does not directly ask me a question about it, I will have no motivation to write about it.

That said, I am still committed to contributing content to CryptoSorted.info indefinitely as I find useful and interesting things to write about.

Why I launched the CryptoSorted Token (CST)

Long before I launched CST, even as an SLP token, I had the intention to sell off CryptoSorted.info.

This is because I knew the blog requires consistent content output as it was beginning to scale, and I'm not the kind of guy who writes just to keep a blog filled up.

I personally can't maintain a consistent content output both because of my real-life commitments and my writing pattern discussed above.

Along the line, I had an idea — to turn CryptoSorted into a community-owned media publications project.

And that's when CST came into the picture, as you will learn about HERE.

The 'failure' of the CST IDO

Prior to launching CST, I had a small team of writers, which consists of friends from Publish0x who were contributing to CrytoSorted then, and I was paying them from my pocket.

They all had some personal things like school and other projects taking their attention and it was back to just me.

To realise my vision for CryptoSorted as laid out in the whitepaper and scale accordingly, I needed funding, and that's why I decided to launch CST on smartBCH and run the token sale (IDO) on BCHPad.

The plan was to raise enough funds to pay writers up to the first 1000 articles, build a custom website and take it off WordPress, and other stuff until the project can sustain itself with the revenue it generates.

You know the story of how the IDO on BCHPad ended in failure. It was a failure because the required funds were not received and a lot of things went wrong which lead to a massive dump of the token.

And that is why the project development and progress has been drastically slowed down.

The mistakes made have been identified and lessons learned and we're moving forward with a focus on the ultimate goal.

My current plan is to raise the required funds through another IDO on BSC or other major chains (when the IDO application is accepted).

I'm also open to and considering other options, but the major target is to raise the funds needed to build the project to the level where it would be self-sustaining.

But until then, we'll work with what we have and continue moving forward, albeit slow, but steady.

PS: The most important thing to note is that CryptoSorted (CST) will only keep getting better and stronger from here.

Community members' input and support

Everything you see me create is mostly for people to benefit from, whether it be articles or a project. I enjoy being the bringer of good things to people and that's my primary motivation to create stuff, not to enrich myself.

My end-game is to systematically transfer the control of, responsibility for, and gains from such projects to the community through a DAO system.

And then probably hands-off or continue contributing to the project in whatever capacity I can.

As such, I like to involve the community members and users in every aspect of the project development. Contributions are voluntary and only in the capacity that you're capable and willing to contribute.

A community-based project is only as strong as the community. There's no other magic any one individual can do to replace community effort.

My personal investment strategy does not require anyone's input. In fact, I hate anyone knowing about my personal investment beyond the surface stuff.

However, for public and community-based projects, I work best with people.

There's a reason it's called "community-based". It means it will require a community effort to make it work and the reward goes back to the community.

What's up with DegenMaxi (DMAX)

DegenMaxi (DMAX) was intended to be fun and playful stuff. DMAX is an experimental project I created mostly for the fun of it.

As the name suggests, invest in DMAX with degen (play) money only. The earlier you buy the token and the longer you HODL and farm, the more benefits you get. This is certainly not financial advice though.

I will try to control the inflation as much as possible and push the project as hard as I can with the support of the token holders.

Consider it a "safer degen token" because you're guaranteed I will not rug or dump on you. And I will do everything I can to keep it running exactly as intended.

Because I am involved in both DMAX and CST, I find ways to make them complement each other, that's all there is. DegenMaxi has no permanent place in the long term development of CryptoSorted and vice versa.


I cherish open communication and deeply appreciate genuine criticisms.

I am a project or community leader, but that does not mean my knowledge and experience is the most extensive. I can learn from you just as you can learn from me.

If you have an idea or information you feel will be useful to the project please kindly share it in the Telegram group or with me in private and it will be thoroughly reviewed and considered.

Also, if you believe I am acting in error or going off the rail, feel free to speak out or come to me in private and share your concerns. I would really appreciate that.

Remember, we GROW together!

$ 12.24
$ 12.12 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Porwest
$ 0.05 from @CryptoScout
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2 years ago


Your blog cryptosorted.info has been helpful to me. I first came across the blog on Google search results when I was searching for crypto earning social media, then I found your "Noise.cash Review". It was so well written and I found it easy to read. Since then I've been visiting the site frequently to read. If I may ask, please write a post on how to write a good blog post please, on any platform of your choice.

Thank you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm happy to hear that my content was helpful to you. Thanks for the article request. I would publish it here on read.cash within the week. Pls, stay tuned.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you, I will be waiting.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hi, @CryptoScout, here is your post. Looking forward to your feedback.


$ 0.00
2 years ago