The DegenMaxi (DMAX) IBO on BenSwap is live
DegenMaxi (DMAX) is running an IBO on the BenSwap DEX to raise more funds to boost liquidity, accelerate marketing, and kickstart DegenMaxi (DMAX) development.
If you're new to DegenMaxi (DMAX) please read my previous post on Introducing DegenMaxi (DMAX): The ultimate deflationary and degen-play token on smartBCH
Why participate in the DegenMaxi (DMAX) IBO on BenSwap?
You can buy DMAX at a discount of over 50% below the current market price. 1 BCH will give you 500,000 DMAX, so you're already in profit from the very start.
For every 1 BCH raised in the IBO one hundred million (100,000,000) DMAX would be BURNED! Thus further reducing the supply.
100% of the funds raised in the IBO will be added to liquidity and locked for 3 years
75,000,000 DMAX has been allocated for the IBO. All unsold tokens would be automatically BURNED!
How to participate in the DegenMAxi (DMAX) IBO on BenSwap
First, make sure to convert or wrap your BCH to WBCH on BenSwap or any smartBCH DEX.
To participate in the DMAX IBO on BenSwap, go the IBO page HERE
Then click the Participate button as shown above. You will be prompted to approve the transaction with your wallet. Click confirm to sign and proceed.
The next screen will ask you to enter the amount of BCH you want to spend. Click MAX if you want to use all WBCH in your wallet or manually enter the amount of BCH you want to use in buying DMAX in the IBO.
Once done, click the Confirm button and approve the transaction with your wallet to finalise the purchase.
Your DMAX would be automatically credited to your wallet after the transaction is confirmed.
What can I do with my DMAX tokens?
Once you receive your DMAX tokens in your wallet you can do the following with them:
Use it to supply liquidity to the DMAX-WBCH pool on BenSwap and stake your LP token to earn more DMAX or CST in the respective Ranches.
Stake DMAX-WBCH LP to earn DMAX (2,666.84% APR)
Stake DMAX-WBCH LP to earn CST (4,033.19% APR)
Hold it in your wallet to receive CST as a dividend from all sell transactions
Sell a portion or all your holdings to cash out your profit
Trade it to try and increase your stack of DMAX over time.
Holding and farming are the most recommended and profitable strategies for your DMAX, but that's not financial advice. You can do whatever you choose with your tokens.
DegenMaxi (DMAX) is an experimental deflationary and degen-play token on smartBCH that rewards holders with tax from every sell transaction, and also offers multiple lucrative farming opportunities.
The token is currently conducting an IBO on BenSwap to raise funds to boost liquidity. And you can grab it for 50% below the current market price for your contributions.
DMAX is currently listed on BenSwap and will be available on Marketcap within the week.
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