Words are sharper than two edge swords i.e words that all we have..

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3 years ago

Everything we speak has values and build/denotes who we are in real..

Importance of communicating in proper way is really important otherwise it leads to disaster. Some of you may have experience it..

The famous Irish playwright Samuel Beckett (He has long list of library of playwright) had once proclaimed that ‘Words are all we have.’ He said so, not because he made a living out of it, but because he realized what many of us fail to comprehend at times, the potency of words.

Words, which are syllables, put together to give meaning to actions and actors, to feelings and phenomena, to events and emotions, to life, to destiny.

To make me learn the importance of this lesson, his weapon of choice was, well, words. Our ability to communicate is what sets us apart. What we say has a great impact on our personality, our relationships and the group dynamics to which we belong.

There is this thing with words. If you keep saying something, even if you don’t mean it’ then also after sometime you’ll start believing in it, what you say becomes your belief and then it becomes an integral part of your personality. Many of us must have experienced that sometimes a very smart, good-looking person when opens his mouth ruins his image and personality. And on the other hand, a good speaker looks beautiful and irresistible. This has been the quality of many a charismatic leaders this world has seen and at the same time, of many an ignoble beings.

Unfortunately, in present times, words are being used to incite violence and spread hatred. Young minds are easily influenced with fake promises and dreams. They become prey to anti-social elements. A new war is being fought everywhere in the world and this time words are used as potent weapons. Rational thinking is being suffocated by curbing the freedom of speech, and radical ideas are being spread. 

They have the potential to further break the already fragmented world. (Recent remark of worlds largest democracy leader recently said that he will enforce military rule against protesters if not backdrop). This created more anger among protesters and rest story is still going on...

Words have really importance place in International Affairs or Diplomacy. Listen carefully while diplomat are interacting with other leaders. You can learn from them how to precisely use words.

To prevent this disaster, there is only one way. That is self-restraint and control over our thoughts and emotions. 

Ans do always remember, words are sharper than a two edged sword, so all we can do is think before we speak. To end from where we started, ‘words are all we have.’

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3 years ago


Effective communication is a form of communication, which ensures that whoever transmits the message does so in a way that is clear and understandable to their interlocutor / s, without generating confusion, doubts or erroneous interpretations. The Characteristics of Effective Communication To achieve good effective communication, we must take into account a series of factors and characteristics so that the message we want to transmit is effective:

§ Clarity: the messages must be clear, easily decoded and unequivocal.

§ Accuracy: the information transmitted in the message must be accurate and complete.

§ Objectivity: the information transmitted by the issuer must be truthful, authentic, as impartial as possible, that is, objective.

§ Timely: the message must be transmitted at the right time, that is, the one in which the appropriate effect arises for the purpose you want to achieve.

§ Interesting: the message must be attractive to the recipient, thus achieving greater motivation and involvement.

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3 years ago