Got My BCH Bitcoin Cash Tattoo!

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3 years ago

My name is David Valenz, and I know most people will be wondering why on earth would I get such a massive BCH tattoo?
The answer for me... is pretty EXTENSIVE...

I know most people... Invest in crypto currency like its just some where to "make an ROI" on their investment. For me, its a LIFESTYLE.

Why? Well. I have a living situation where I cannot have too much money in a bank. Therefore, I live outside of a bank and pretty much live like a ghost.

Crypto Currency more in particular BCH is the best DIGITAL CASH I've ever used. Sending, receiving, being able to send a TEXT of payment or EMAIL to someone alone is HUGE for me. I do not have a lot of money like a lot of people are blessed to have but what little I have... I 100% throw all of it into crypto. It defines FREEDOM to me... I've tried other coins of course and there's always bugs, issues, or things I nitpick about...

I cannot nitpick a single thing about BCH because its never given me any issues. So why the tattoo? Its my way of life. It saved me. I have very very great friends in the crypto industry who are well off better than I am financially.... And they understand my situation and it sucks... I wish it was different. If it wasn't for crypto, I would literally be dealing with cash, on a physical CASH Basis with everyone I encounter... so If I was to have thousands of dollars, that would be a LOT of money to protect, handle, etc.

Bitcoin Cash SOLVES endless amounts of problems for me, so I appreciate it on a much higher level than most people could understand...

I have a total of 4 tattoos... (5 now)... Dallas Cowboys, because Im always going to be a fan till the day that I die. And my son and daughters name... These are things I am going to Love Forever....
and I knew without a doubt I had to do a beautiful tattoo of bitcoin cash on me as well because it too is something I'm going to love...

If anyone would like to Follow me my twitter handle is @DavidsCrypto

Thank you and I hope you guys enjoy my BEAUTIFUL BCH tattoo... and maybe the future of crypto currency take off to the moon like they say. haha.

Have a great day/evening and THANK YOU for reading guys... much love.

$ 0.83
$ 0.83 from @TheRandomRewarder
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3 years ago


That's so cool!!! I loved it! You know I'm thinking of t-shirts with a printed of bch for my three little kids💛

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Watch the VIDEO HERE of the tattoo being put on me

$ 0.00
3 years ago