The frontline of adoption is recognition. Recognizing that if they see store's food places, etc.. Start to accept bitcoin cash.. It will definitely spark the questions like, "What is that? How do I buy that?" etc. I am an old-school text-book type of salesman who is not afraid of rejection. I LOVE the challenge of a No... Not to be the annoying pest that people want to shoe-away.. But when I believe in something, especially the very coin I have a tattoo of, there's no limits to how far I'd go to help with adoption. Once people see it, they will start to embrace a new way of payments...
The idea of having a flip-starter to fund this
Unfortunately I am not a man of means to be able to have the money to do this... but if I did, that would be my daily job for 5 days a week, and tag along someone to do all the filming for me so I can video the results at the end of 30 days and see how many businesses I was able to bring on board..
If it is a success and I hit my goal within 15 days just as an example... I will continue still the whole 30 days to see how many total I can get. It's all about seeing the sticker at the register, or front door of a business that people need to see on a daily basis...
It will embed the CORE BITCOIN (being BCH) Of what people would want to buy because it's the FOREFRONT of what they see at the stores/restaurants they are going to.
If you think this is a great Idea then let me some comments, tips, suggestions, ideas, etc.. and I will start the process of a flip-starter to be on a 100 businesses journey... to help the process of adoption. -
Thanks for reading & God Bless :)