Valentine's day is fast approaching! Lovers and strong relationships are going to celebrate the special day of heart the Valentine’s Day. Some are celebrating it to give thanks to each other for keeping their relationships tight and unbreakable. And of course you might be confuses if valentine’s day is only for couples. No its not! valentine’s day is not only for the couples out there, valentine’s day is for all. We have the right(singles) to celebrate it. We can go out with our friends, family or by just yourself only.
Valentine’s day is not complete without giving gifts right? Giving valentine’s gifts make them feels special and important. Using it, we can show our appreciations and gratefulness to have them in our life. Every valentine’s day, we are happy to give flowers, chocolates or necklaces but these are too common isn’t it? So what if put some twists and something new when giving valentine’s gift? Add other excitements and surprises to your gifts with Bitcoincash? Sounds good and extraordinary right?
Alright! Ofcourse this idea is probably for my co-Bitcoincash hodlers that atleast gives them some sort of ideas on what they can give to their loved ones or important person in this coming valentines day. This will make your gifts new and exceptional. In this case, person who will received it will be ask many things and confused about it. Who knows? This will become the way to introduce Bitcoincash to them. So let’s get started!
Bitocoincash Together With The Common Gifts
Put It Together With Candies and Chocolates
The most common gift in every occasions are chocolates and flowers. The most romantic and sweet form of gift you can receive usually in Valentine’s Day. But, this gift is too old and common. So why not add twists with the power of Bitcoincash. Sounds funny but this will add excitement and confusions to them. Just imagine receiving packs of chocolates and flowers with Bitcoincash QR Code saying “scan me”. Read my article on How to Send Bitocoincash Using QR Codes.
Portrait With Bitcoincash
An artistic and effortful form of gift is a portrait. If you are an artist, this is too easy for you to draw your favourite person and give them in Valentine’s Day. Portrait gift is surely the most appreciated gift but this will become more appreciable with Bitcoincash. Handling them personally your gift with the sharable link of your Bitcoincash gift is totally give joy and confusions to your loved once. Bitcoincash is also a money anyways.
Couple Mugs With Bitcoincash
Couple mugs is also the most sweet, romantic but common valentine’s gift. This can be usable while drinking coffee with your loved once. It really added warm and sweetness to your strong relationships. But bitterness while drinking coffee will be blown away if you add Bitcoincash with your couple mug gift on valentines day. Giving the same gift every heart days is going to be boring. Bitcoincash can add colors and more sweetness to them.
Bluetooth Speaker With Bitcoincash
A wireless speaker can be the best gift for your music lover loved once. A lot of purposes can be use or Bluetooth speaker. It can add high volume and good quality sounds when watching Netflix with your best person. Maybe you can insert Bitcoincash through connecting your device to it and play your recorded voice saying “I have another gift for you aside from this Bluetooth Speaker”. Sounds crazy isn’t it? Lol
These are just some sort of ideas to make your gift more special. Hoping that someone give us gift during that day. Don’t be afraid if you don’t have date in valentine’s day. Give your time to your family and friends or go and treat yourself. Because we are deserved to be loved!
It's very nice to hear. Because many will be having issues with finding ways to give and find gifts.It's an awesome idea.