5 Things To Consider In Playing Online Games

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Valorant, Mobile Legends, League Of Legends, Fortnite are just few of the famous online games that you can play in different platforms. Playing them can give us a entertainment and a series of emotions that can lead to form a new kind of obsession.

A study shows that playing Online Games can cause anxiety , strong heartbeat , lack of sleep (which is really true based on self experience) , and possible physical damages according to PubMed Central's "Effect of Addiction to Computer Games on Physical and Mental Health"

Though some of these effects are already proved, there are few things that you should consider when playing online games. If you want to start your journey to this new kind of hobby, you will surely meet these 5 few things during your days playing them. These might be good and quietly bad at the same time.

1.) It Consume Most Of Your Time

This first one the list is can be a good and bad at the same time in a way of, they can be used situationally.

Playing online game like Mobile Legends as popular online game in Southeast Asia, is addictive due to the gameplay nature of the game. Apart from its exciting story and characters, the game of categorized as strategy and MOBA kind of game.

MOBA or Multiplayer Online Battle Arena where players are competing on a arena. This type of video or online game are pretty enjoyable yet it consumes a lot of time.

In 2015, the longest ever play game in history was happened. It was 3 hrs 20 minutes and 30 seconds game time in globally popular game DOTA. Too long isn't it?Just don't forget that you can't pause it and leave the game like nothing is happened.

It is good when you bored in a long queue yet , bad while playing them in your work time.

2 . It Costs Money

Online Games are not just comes with their great character designs, skills and animations but also with their set of assets that may include the "Skins" of a certain characters also knowns as "Heroes" or "Champions" in different terms.

These buyable skins can make your heroes more good to play and can be flexed to other players. Which means, buying them can make your hero more attractive compare to other players.

Based on my experience, I promised to not buy skin for my favourite hero or character but it ended up buying all of his released skins except to those limited ones. I don't know the reason but it makes me happy yet it costs me money.

3 . You Can Make A Lot Friends

Playing online games can make you new friends from different places and the best thing is, you can have friends from different countries.

You can always be with these new people when questing for golds and achievements. You can be with them in one server against the other players. Sometimes, you can find not only friends but also a lifetime partner in just playing online games. (Ehemm I can see you're smiling with this).

4.It Can Make You Money

Aside from partner that you can get Lol, or a new circle of friends with the same hobbies, there are highly possibilities that you can make money of this. Though it is not NFT related games, making money from them is possible.

An online game like DOTA with their expensive skins and items, players can make money by just selling them to other players. This will also include the "account selling"things which is another method for making money while playing online games.

5.It can make you popular

"Great power comes great responsibility" as Spider Man said. This phrase can be applied too if you have great skills in playing online games. This will give you popularity from other players and non-payers.

Some of the great players are sharing their skills through making video contents about it and sharing to the video content sharing platforms. Others are showing their personal strategies on how to be great player, item picking techniques, what to do and many more.

These content can help the new players on what should they do, they learned at the same time , creator can earn popularity and the number 4 from our list.

Bottom Lines

Playing online games can give us the happiness that we can't get from other people. Though it might lead us to the new obsession that we can't easily escape of . A great escape to avoid the worst reality.

They can give us friends , money, or popularity sometimes but health is wealth though. Don't forget to make self control. Let yourself control the game, not letting the game controls you.

$ 1.90
$ 1.81 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Codename_Chikakiku
$ 0.02 from @Momentswithmatti
+ 1


I used to play mobile legends before that's why I can attest that all these factors are true.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

yes it takes a bunch of time playing so that's why I stopped playing hehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Good choice:)

$ 0.00
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am playing mobile legends until now and I can say that it consumes my time specially if I lose the game and then try another game to earn victory, it is also true that it cost money since I love to buy skins of my favorite heroes specially the epic one, however it gives me enjoyments, if I am bored, I only play mobile legends to kill my boredom and I met lots of people in the game.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Online Games can really gives us both bad and good but atleast we chose it and they can entertain us.

$ 0.00
2 years ago