I woke up every morning,
I appreciate the opportunity of being able to,
I Leave my abode, I hope for the day goodness,
I long for privacy for some time now,
I see myself in a good life,
I learnt success is never owned,
I was told it Is rented and always due everyday,
I know I'm as sweet as sugar,
I know I'm also tough as nails,
I know I can overcome all difficulties,
I can also overcome challenges,
I know my friends admire me for loyalty and compassion,
I have no patience for hypocrisy,
I do not mingle with liars,
I'd rather be brutally honest,
I will never be fake,
I'm a genuine and down-to-earth person,
I refuse to regret everything that has happened,
I know it can't be undo nor forgotten,
I take it as a lesson learnt,
I moved on.
I'm a sensitive person,
I should be treasured,
I love deeply,
I think deeply about life,
I know I'm loyal,
I'm honest,
I'm true,
I'm sensitive to simple things and it means alot,
I don't need to change or harden,
I'm purify so I'm who I am,
I fall,
I rise,
I make mistakes,
I live and learn,
I'm human not perfect,
I've been hurt,
I'm still alive to breathe think enjoy chase things I love(money),
I sometimes have sadness I my journey,
I also have alot of joy,
I put one foot ahead of the other even when I'm hurt,
I know not what await me around bend,
I give permission to walk away from anything that gives me bad vibes,
I do not have to explain or make sense of it,
I trust what I feel,
I eventually reach a boiling point,
I get tired of games and lies,
I just want to be at peace with myself by letting people go for good.
I see honesty in everything you wrote, hope I can tag you because I would really love to write mine too