To serve the Earth now and in the future.

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Written by
2 years ago

How your present knowledge can be used to best serve the Earth now and in the future.

Some say the planet is sick, and humans are the virus. It is undeniable that we as a species have destroyed this beautiful planet at an alarming rate. But it is not too late to save our planet. We still have a chance to correct our wrong doings to our home… Mother Earth. The home that gives us a shelter, air, food, and water to consume. The planet that gives us beautiful things and place to live. The very place that gives us…LIFE.

As of todays society, only few people cares about our planet. Only few cares enough to go out and restore our nature. There are a lot of advocacies going around the world. But these numbers are still too little compared to the total population living in our planet. Massive cutting down of trees are everywhere. Apart every mountains went bald because of humans’ greed and cruelty.

But we still have a chance to save and serve our planet by starting to plant more trees to prevent a flood; reduce deforestation, to have more fresh air; encourage loggers to plant ten tree seedlings in exchange of one matured tree that they cut down from the forest; persuading everyone to segregate waste from biodegradable to non-biodegradable to recyclable; support banning of illegal haunting and training of animals from the wild.

This way we can still protect and stop extinction of endangered animals; provide safety environment for our society; clean water to drink; and fresh air to breath… a pollution free planet.

These things are possible if each and everyone will join hand and hand to save the planet. Nothing is impossible if we put down our gadgets, set aside our emotions, go out and save our planet for once in a while. It may be sound impossible, but nothing is not possible if we are determine to achieve something.

As a daughter and tenant of our beloved Mother Nature. I will use my voice and knowledge to spread these awareness and ways to everyone. I will start from my own backyard and encourage everyone around me to do the same.

It is not too late to start planting. Not too late to learn to segregate. Not too late to protect and save our nature and planet.

$ 0.07
$ 0.05 from @Eunoia
$ 0.01 from @Gemvilla
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Avatar for Crizzy
Written by
2 years ago
