My gums were so damaged that I had passed from gingivitis, to periodontitis.

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Avatar for Crisss75
2 years ago (Last updated: 1 year ago)

I’ve always been ready to help when people from our community needed me… And have to confess it’s not an easy job.
But if I wouldn’t have had it... as you’re about to see... I wouldn’t have come across this groundbreaking solution that is now changing the lives of thousands of people..

You see, I worked the night shift and had to drive late at night..

In my youth, I had the energy and strength to deal with any situation… but as I got older… to maintain my energy and focus, I started drinking more and more coffee and eating more sweets.

Of course, I’d chew gum after every snack… and when I got home I’d brush my teeth… But there were certain mornings when I was too exhausted to do anything else and I would just throw myself on the couch, turn on the TV and fall asleep.

After a while of neglect, my gums started bleeding…

Then, each time I got tAt first, I noticed the toothpaste I spit out turned slightly pink…o brush my teeth, I spit out blood in the sink.

No big deal, I thought..

It can happen to anyone, right? Not so fast!
Spitting out blood after brushing is DEAD WRONG...

It’s true, it happens to a lot of people... And in fact 58% of Americans suffer from some type of gum disease

But this doesn’t make it any less serious… and you’ll see inside this presentation why you should never ignore this warning sign.

Not long after, I got another wake up call.

I was called by the director of the hospital I was working at and he asked me in a friendly way if I had any health issues or if he could help me with anything.

At first I didn’t realize what he was referring to.

But when he told me my colleagues were avoiding working next to me because of the unpleasant smell coming from my mouth, I just wanted the ground to open up and swallow me.

Obviously embarrassed, I told the director that I’d do something in this regard and ran to the bathroom.

I took a good look at my teeth.

Yellow, with swollen and irritated gums.

I clenched my fist around my mouth and blew.

That’s when I realized how terrible my breath really was.

That’s why Nina kept telling me to brush my teeth even though I’d just done it.

But the worst was yet to come.

Aside from aching teeth, I also developed a pulsating pain that barely seemed to end and I was constantly tired.

Even worse, I could feel one molar in the lower-right part of my jaw moving.

It was like a nightmare where you’re dreaming that your teeth are falling, and mine really were... Nina asked me to go to the dentist.

But I was afraid he would remove my tooth - and David’s wedding was in less than a week and I wanted to look good.

So I started chewing all sorts of plants for dental health that were supposed to help with my breath… I figured I’d be safe if I only chewed on my left side…

I promised my wife that I would go see a dentist as well after the wedding. Although I get cold shivers up my spine just from hearing the word...

And then… The nightmare came true.

I will never forget that 20th of August.

Everybody was dressed up and we were happily celebrating the marriage of David and Christine in a nice garden… And everything was going smoothly until I started eating from the Bride’s White Chocolate Raspberry cake….

Filled with emotion, I completely forgot to chew on my left side… and at the slightest touch… my tooth fell down and got stuck in my throat..

Leaving me breathless for a minute… which seemed like an eternity!

Without knowing what was stuck in my throat.

Coughing up all that blood.. and my molar… I never felt more embarrassed or sad… A father ruining his son’s wedding…

We’d made all the preparations for everything to be perfect… yet it wasn’t.

Oh, how I wish I could erase that disturbing moment from everyone’s memory…

The next morning, my cheek was swollen so I went to the dentist.

I admit my heart was pounding and I felt nervous as I entered the cabinet.

But, after a quick look into my mouth and an x-ray.. The dentist gave me some bad news….

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2 years ago (Last updated: 1 year ago)
