Real is Rare Fake is Everywhere

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2 years ago

Date : 18 April, 2022

Article No # 42

Greetings Readers!!!!

How are you my family??? I hope you guys are doing well and enjoying your 1st day of week. How was your weekend my friends?? I wanted to read Articles about how Christian Friends of the platform have celebrated Easter to know more about the event but I didn't found such article yet. Belated Happy Easter My Friends!! Wish you blessings and Happines πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•

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Thank You So Much my lovely Sponsor the reason of my stay here and write something regularly. I am so grateful for you people for motivating and supporting me. If you haven't visited their article yet hurried to read. They are wonderful people and excellent writers of the platform.

Let's start today's blog without further Ado!

I have shared with you that Can and I are friends from the last 15 year. She also belongs to law profession and started practice 1 Year ago. She is beautiful girl with 5 feet 2 inch height. She has red hair and dark black eyes. She is an innocent and kind-hearted lady with 25 years of age. She always take part in charities and activities of social welfare. It is so easy to impress her by being generous in front of her for a while. We all know that professional life is full of challenges. We have to face leopard that may engulfed the innocent for their own benefits. Actually, Can had been in relationships for 5 years that results in break up at the start of her legal practice. Her partner wasn't allowing her to start practicing legally because he believed that she may be trapped by anyone easily. He was just careful for her partner. He tried alot but results in the break up of relationship.

Five years old relationship of love and emotions ended suddenly, it was indeed painful time. I witnessed that how both of them love each other. Can who was from middle class family was being supported financially and morally by her partner. His support has great part that she had completed her law degree. But all the emotions went in the air.

Can started his practice with a political lawyer who was a candidate for the bar election. He was man of high morals and well known lawyer of the country. Can is also hardworking girl. She took part in the compaign with full zeal. She daily meets the lawyer of the district and request them to caste vote in favor of her boss.

One day, she met Philip who is 40 year old lawyer. Philip was among the junior of his senior at University. He is clever person but behave to be very innocent. Chit chat between Philip and Can was going on. Can bring me to visit his office accompanied with her. She remains insisting me to accompanied with her to his office. I really don't like it because I had planned everything according to time , it becomes challenging for me to disturb set schedule.

Just after a week, Can disclose that she is relationship with Philip. Although I was shocked to hear that she is in relationships with 40 years man who is already married. what will be the future of this relationship? Is Philip honest with her or wanted to use her physically? All these things overruled my mind but I can't do anything. It was their mutual and personal decision. I always pray for my friends Happines that I do so.

She joined Philip office for legal practice. Philip burdened her shoulder with the office working. It has been 1 year since she joined the office but she says that Philip doesn't support her financially. He behave with her rudely and disrespect her in from of others. She is giving him his precious time, managing his office works and also quenching his lust for sexuality. Since, he doesn't value her. She doesn't wanted to break up the relationship now. She knows well that this relationship has bitter future yet she has chosen pain and depression. She doesn't want to move on because she realized that she mistaken not to hear his true love. She hasten to trust Philip. I always pray for happiness God please do what is best for her.

Always think before having trust on someone. Always value for the person who gave us his time. We must hold that person tightly who love us truly and support us. Real love is rare and fake is everywhere. Don't treat other as tissue paper. Value those who value you. Respect those who respect those.

The story has no concern with someone
Personal Life.

$ 0.72
$ 0.70 from @TheRandomRewarder
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2 years ago


Trustworthy people are rare and fake are now common so if anyone got a good and trustworthy person we should the person tight because that’s nature.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Sometimes we cannot trust someone even they were our close because time will come they will only fooled you.

$ 0.01
2 years ago