Trust wallet Dust

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3 years ago

Right let me explain I have been using trust for over a year now it was the second wallet I opened and I quite glad I opened it . I cant remeber quite why I opened it but was proubly promoted on publish0x as was the first wallet I opened which Atomic wallet which is a totally different story .

Now the really reason I am writing this is because of when I joined and my BCH was going straight into my trust which was great but I wasnt earning any thing on it in there and to be honest I had heard alot about hodl but never actually did anything more about so when I was chatting to others from #club1BCH sayin how they were hodling it I didnt want to miss out

So I looked into a hodl and went with celsius I run 90% of my stuff from my phone so I just downloaded the app . Here is where the fun starts so have a new wallet and I am ready to start sending my BCH when I get the famous dust error

Thats how much I had in the wallet at the time so I went to get in touch with support and you might as well say I got none I got a bog stantard reponse and nothing since that was over three days ago but last a gent on came to my aid as he was having the same problem as me and figured a work around

So the trick is just to send it in small bits I was sending mine 0.01 takes awhile but it works I am still sending tip to trustwallet as celsius is very slow receving coins hope this helps you if you in the same boat

$ 0.07
$ 0.06 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.01 from @Laurenceuuu
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3 years ago
