Metazine update

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1 year ago
Topics: Artist, NFT, Magazine, WAX

Right if you never heard of the Metazine its brought to you by Sk8coin on the Wax blockchain and if you guess from the creator name its all about skate boarding I am also nearly sure its one of the first Metazines on Wax . I have talked to Sk8coin creator before all about his NFTs this more about the Metazine and his plan for 2023.

Hey man stoked to have you back again . How has thinks been since we last chatted?

Thanks for having me I'm stoked as well, man things have been busy connecting with different artists and skaters, doin the WAX Discovery show, but things are great

Of course so where would you like to start?

I guess we can start with the Metazine.

Of course let me say you never mention last time artists can take ads out in it to me?

Yea its always been the plan but I'm trying to get it automated which would be really cool, but if anyone wants to run an ad wed be happy to post it in the Metazine just hit me up on twitter or telegram. soon we will have a system in place to just upload an ad and use email conformations.

How much will it be to place an ad?

Right now its free for skaters and anyone in the WAX ecosystem but at some point maybe we will offer package deals or premium deals like 12 issue contracts or something but for now I'm just trying to get all the projects to have a single place to advertise to skateboarders and NFT collectors. It would be really dope if we posted Crackers meet artist articles every month , something like that could even be a payout or something because it ads value to the zine, I'm still working out the different options I want it to be a read2earn platform as well.

That's really cool that's it free and bro you could happily add my articles in anytime would be an honor . It must always be great to know your one of the first project on wax to be doing this kind of magazine on wax . How you thinking of doing the read2earn?

In this new era of technology value isn't always tied to money, information can also be very valuable and we want to tokenize that value so to speak and offer content creators a place to not only advertise but to sell content, write articles or have live events, like skate demos or live streams in the Metazine so part of the revenue generated can be distributed to the reader. the tokenomics have to still be hashed out but at some point we like the readers to get back some percentage of the sales. it revolves around a decentralized advertising concept that value can be given back through contests , token drops or free NFTs from collections.

Of course that sounds like a brilliant idea and would you change of often the Metazine would come out?

Its bimonthly right now but I would love to push these out monthly, it takes a lot of time to mint everything and get all the bugs out but the more and more it becomes an automated process the easier it will be so we are releasing one next week on valentines day and the plan is to drop one every month to help keep the community informed of upcoming drops, events and current WAX technology. If it gets enough readers than we can increase the funding so its really a community funded project and all the skaters and artists are supported in some way

What about the cross chain concept?

As wax keeps developing new technology and bridges we will definitely be cross chain we are already doing some cross chain ads to eventually tie all the chains together but I think we will always be focused on WAX since we use the technology to power the platform, we want the outside world to know what's up with wax and also introduce the WAX community to new markets that's part of the decentralized advertising concept is to bring in artists and projects from other chains and drop some part of that value directly to the readers for consuming those ads

What else you have coming up?

Were working on releasing the second component of our skateboard blends, we finished up series 1 of the wheels and are dropping the decks next week, hopefully the Broken Dollz will be dropped with next Metazine , there will also be ways to get a physical copy of those boards, eventually all this will only be available to buy with SKATE tokens and it will be fully tokenized and powered by sk8coins FT, including ads that would be the ultimate goal is to be completely powered by the token.

When you hopping to launch the token?

Its already out and can be earned on WAXDAO by staking your tricks, food and wheels. Its also on Alcor Exchange if you want to convert it to WAX or grab some but I would recommend holding your reward tokens were not focused on the FT at the moment but its definitely out there for the early adopters and people have been earning SKATE/WAX so its officially a play2earn game, i guess but its more like a skate2earn platform and dudes like us that love skateboarding can consume the content and give back to skateboarding world wide so the token is a reward based token but it will also power the Metazine and Website.

Will you list it on Taco in the future?

For sure, that's part of our next move is to get SKATE FT on Taco and all the platforms and get it approved on NeftyBlocks so you can buy NFTs and Metazine whitelist covers with SKATE and soon use skate to support the skateboarders and buy physical stuff.

That's brilliant to hear so 2023 is going to be a big year will we see lots of new collabs coming up?

yes big things planned, we plan being fully launched in 2025 but hopefully sooner but we are always down to collab, do cross gaming stuff and and cross collection blends. its a community platform and it would be totally complete if we could fully automate it into a DAO where the WAX community and skateboarders decide the direction and things in the future.

Are you working with any artists for new collab NFTs?

ill drop some alpha for your readers, I'm proud to announce senor Lupe is working on a deck and wheels and also MORBS so collectors can look forward to some cool skateboard combinations for the complete blends coming soon with AR

What about the skaters do you many lined up?

Yea new skaters coming next Metazine issue 7 with some new tricks and rarities, at some point we will open the process to every skater as a social media platform but getting all that automated and integrated into the smart contracts is still a ways away but we are working on it. but yes for sure the list of skaters is growing.

What do the skaters think of the Metazine?

They all think its cool but honestly most skaters are still new to crypto so that's part of the point of the Zine is to onboard skaters into the crypto world and the WAX ecosystem in general I still haven't really promoted it heavy because I want to make sure it works right and is easily assessable to everyday skaters so were not quite there yet but more and more skaters are taking notice to the Zine and to NFTs in general.

Have you thought about creating one of your NFTs into a board for the skaters?

That's where the decentralized sponsorship comes in, if a brand is looking for a skater they can definitely do something like that, but ya man at some point you will see the skaters wearing VIRAL NFTs in the skate parks and skating some of the collectors boards for sure, were just getting all the logistics in order you can even drop VIRL NFTS into your favorite skaters wallet and they can claim the board

Have you helped many skaters set up a wax wallet?

Yes they have wallets but some skaters I have set a wallet up for loses the keys one skater has like 10k worth of Uniswap tokens locked in a wallet from a broken phone from back in the day so that's one of the logistical issues we are working on . but all the skaters drops will have their wallet set into the drops smart contract and it will all be open on the blockchain to see who's who.

Who has been the biggest skater star you have had in the Metazine?]

I would say Jahzeal he was sponsored by NIKE and BLIND skateboards and another one is Greg Valencia the 1st one were more focused on the skaters that are not so famous though, the platform is being made for the average skater to be able to find sponsors and show off their skills we want everyone to be equal but obviously your skating skills will determine how many collectors you can get but all the skaters so far are on the amature level but they are all tied to the skateboard industry in some way

Who is coming up in next week Metazine?

He skater being featured is Zack . Goulet he the co founder of skatehive so readers and collectors can look forward to interview with him along with 6 of his tricks to be added to the pool, a couple other new skaters will also be in the pages offering NFTs

Is there anything else you would like to add

I just want to say thank you for featuring us and thank you to all the collectors out there supporting the project if anyone wants to check out my whitepaper just check the link below

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1 year ago
Topics: Artist, NFT, Magazine, WAX
