Meet the artist lowpoly Media

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Right one of my guilty pleasure is cars and my god I have been annoying this artist for a while for an interview because I contacted as soon as I found him but he wanted to wait till he had a few more NFT's ready and he only recently did an Collab with cryptoswatch check it out but for lets meet the artist

How you today do anything exciting ?

well it was a hot day. so was kinda hard to really focus on anything in depth . I was looking forward getting home to work on some more vehicles... even though its hot in my office at home had fun riding home on my e-scooter 😁 how about yourself?

Oh god your an e-scooter rider lol . Played some cod worked on an article messed with the kids and got some football in busy day now just starting a night shift

yeah ... I'm a e-scooter rider... but I do it responsibly. I'm not as young anymore. and have a wife and kid so 🀣

I am cyclist so I cant say much lol

I takes less space on the road :D

Hmm debatable lol

hahaha yeah. but its its nice. its extends the range I can reach without a car

Of course

its my first electrical vehicle. so that's a start πŸ˜›

And your working on the most carbon neutral blockchain for NFT's ! Can I ask how did you discover NFT's ?

how exactly I'm not sure. I heard a lot about it without really knowing what it was. I believe it really catched my interest in some videos of Gary Vaynerchuk. Only after a friend of mine asked if I already minted my NFT on wax did I really looked into it. So I took some time to read about it and see what was available to get an idea what it was all about another friend of mine asked to join in on opensea and rarible... but then I read about the huge minting fees... that s why I choose the wax blockchain... because its cheaper and has less impact on the environment... I guess πŸ˜„

On yeah its for the environment sake your here lol

not only obviously. I want to express myself . Creating lowpoly art is fun when there is response to it

How did you come up with your project ?

that is a long story

Do tell ?

but to keep it short... a friend of mine motivated me during some hard times to create 3d models based on his 2D art used to work at a game company with him 10 years ago

Oh what game company ?

So I started creating lowpoly streets and and modular landscape models oh the game company was a local small start-up in the Netherlands. no-one probably heard about it. was called onetwogaming. made mainly browser based games that's where I learned my 3D skills at least refined it so I was making those landscape things.... and that's when I started to make also cars in a lowpoly style to fill everything up aside from that I made a lot of buildings to go along with it also 😁

I'm kinda good in modular designs so... when I looked at what I could contribute to the NFT world... I thought that refreshing my car collection would be a good idea the response has been greater than expected

I came across them and I loved them when I seen them first its a great idea and its endless for cars to make

yes . I made a collection of around 63 vehicles a couple of years ago and that went dormant since then I have refined my skills... so there is a lot more I can do and have a wide base to work on I get inspired from the community also.

How many vehicles have you minted so far ?

those are only the vehicles... I plan to do a lot more thing in the future on the wax platform I haven't minted a lot of vehicles myself so far... I believe around 50 in total

Is that 50 different ones or 50 NFT's in total ?

I have 10 templates... and so far I minted around 50 myself... the rest has been minted by drops. 186 by drops to date so I'm at a very early stage

Wow that's goods so would you like this to be a full time in the future

That would be awesome obviously. I believe there is a huge market for collectibles. like I said. I still have a lot of vehicles at my disposal I need to refresh and make available doing it full time is a matter of revenue also... so if I could live from it then its a no-brainer so much ideas... so little time 😴

What is your current full time job ?

well.. .I'm not working full time at the moment. But my daily job is sales I work for a 3D printing filament producer I sell 3d printing noodles

For eating ?

haha no the filament is used to print 3D objects on a 3d printer its the raw material I would not recommend eating that

Ha ha ha 3d printing is quite big industry

It is indeed. our Company grew massively in the last year its fun... but still I love creating my art so its one of the things I look forward to when I'm finished at my job I do part time 3D design as a freelancer that's why I don't work full time at my day job I use that time to create the cars and make NFT's on the wax blockchain it might not feed the family as of today... but who knows in the future.

Of course are you working on one at the moment ?

yes actually. I'm explore some ideas I had to create blendsΒ I want people to be able to customize a car

Any chance of a sneak peak ?

well yes. although its more of a what if design at the moment

That's ok

So here is a food truck I was working on just to see if I could do some interiors also and because I saw a cool food truck today in real life

That is class how long did that take you to design ?

Well its rarely planned. I start with an idea try some things out. when I'm happy wit the results I continue refining adding and subtracting till I judge that it ready to be published. But in general it take me a day to refine a model

And what programs you using for creation ?

I use open source programs. so for the cars I use blender. a free to use but very powerful 3D creation tool been using it for more that 15 years now. it has evolved massively for the animations I use Krita, an other free to use program

I know you recently done a Collab with Cryptoswatch and have to say was very impressed is there many more lined up

Thank you :) The Collab with Cryptoswatches was very fun to setup up. We first discussed about what we wanted to do together and asked him to choose a vehicle he liked for the project and worked up from there. I'm currently in discussion with some other creators for a collaboration. lets see how that turns put and what the reaction of the public it. I try to bring something unique that fits well for a collaboration.

Can you name names or is it top secret ?

I prefer not to say at the moment... but you have interviewed some of them already

Ok we let it be surprise . Is there an artist out there who you love to work with ?

well.. I'm very new to this NFT space so I'm not aware of everybody's work yet. Still in the discovery phase. I'm sure that I will target some if I believe there is ground for us to work on. its a broad community after all. and I'm always open for suggestions

Will keep that in mind might have someone lined !! Are you collecting and creating or just creating ?

At the moment just creating. a lot of time goes in to that. but I'm certainly open to collect also the more I get to know the market. there is a lot of awesome things out there to get. if only days had like... 72 hours :D

I know I am guessing you don't have a favourite artist yet so ?

Its still a young community. so there is a lot of noise. but I really like Cryptoswatches, BurgerStyles and cryptofoxart to name a few . There are more out there but its hard to say with is my favourite. depends on my mood and what I like in that instant moment

Of course have you set up any channels for the community to chat to bar twitter

Not yet. I'm looking into creating a telegram server. that seems to be the hot thing for these kind of projects, right in the mean time I'm open to chat on twitter

You should do ( Has done since ) check out the link below

telegram is also a bit new to me. so lets see how I manage all those notifications

my websites... that I need to work on is

Check his work out here

What have you learned becoming an NFT artist that you would advice new artists coming in ?

good question. I guess do some research and try to create a good consistent product that you a re proud of. I made some mistakes in the beginning because I was so excited that I just published whatever I had without really refining the end result or thinking about the long term game. We all learn during the journey

Tell us something random about yourself ?

I love space related stuff and making bread

When your not working on selling noodles or working on NFT's what can we find you doing ?

And I'm very good at thinking outside out the box. actually I think outside of the building where the box is in I love 3d printing also. trying to start a small business around it. so that's what I like to do in my free time... if I have any. I also do some voluntary work at a makerspace. helping people out on their project. I'm good with almost any machine. 3d printing obviously ... but also laser cutting things. real maker at heart

Last 2 questions !!!!!!!!!!

Any chance of a small drop or a competition for the readers ?

sure Community power πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

And before I let you go asleep lol is there anything else you would like to say to the readers

Well multiple things: first of all.. believe in yourself. There is a artist in everyone of us. If you put in the time... it'll pay off sooner or later.

second... dare to ask and reach out. don't just push your on stuff but check where you could add value.

On that note. feel free to contact me if you need some 3D work done ... or just want to say hello πŸ–

its an awesome community. helping and appreciating each other is what binds us.

Thanks so much for chatting to me

Thank you for taking the time. that was fun

Thanks to this legend he has created a Collab of my banner and one of his vehicles check the link out below where there is 250 free NFT to collect check out his stuff we need to keep this kind of artists going ...........

$ 15.69
$ 15.08 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.20 from @D.B.Cooper
$ 0.10 from @bmjc98
+ 6
Sponsors of Crackers


I love the Van too mate !! These are really neat

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Would you like one

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Of course , I would be honored!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Whats your wax wallet

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That Meet The Artist Van is so A Team really nice.....

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Well, this was an interview? Btw i also don't have motor bikes i also use bicycle πŸ˜… hahah yea cycles takes less space on the road. And even we don't have to face heavy traffic jam πŸ˜…

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I love cycling very relaxing

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Great article. Thank you. After reading it I noticed I should use a spellchecker… and avoid doing interviews in the middle of the night πŸ˜‚

$ 0.00
3 years ago

No worries the amount of emojis you use lol

$ 0.00
3 years ago