Meet the artist Catalin Fatu

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So this interview has been in the works for a while but it was while he was involved in a different project he has now set off on his project and I was happy to discuss his new WAX project so lets find out about more about him and his new NFTs that he has coming out .

Hey how you ?


How you today ? Enjoying your day off ?

Yup, just arrived at home . So let's roll Mr. crackers, I have to cook a tomato soup with mozzarella 😁

Oh is that dinner ?

Its 20:01 here . you are -3 if I remember, right?

Oh so your in Poland or a bit further over no just -2 .

Romania .

Oh cool some many artists are popping up there your the 3rd one i have chatted to . How did you discover NFTs ?

One of my photography students came to me one day and said "You should share your art, start doing some NFTs" - and at that time I had no clue what he was talking about. Took us a few more meetings and I said "why not?" - I have a ton of photographs that I took over a period of more than 17 years - and so I popped.

Why did you pick Wax to make your nfts?

After a brief research I found out more about RAM and CPU -and all that, and I thought it was a more honest alternative to the usual "gas fees".

Well we should really say this isnt your first project on wax is it ?

No, at first i started a colaboration with a friend, but i soon found out that i'm more confortable with doing with i know best - and also love - and i start exibiting my own art .

Of course so is that project dead now ?

Don't really know much about that, he is the only one in charge right now, and besides my daily tasks and job, I'm trying to spend the little time that i have left, on my own projects

Of course when did you launch your project ?

Just a few weeks ago and because I have a small amount of free time I decided to make drops once per week. Right now, the 4th drop from the "Enchanters Collection" is due Thursday 12nd of August at 7pm

Oh right and is it ready for Thursday ?

Yup, freshly made today and all things sorted, ready for the drop - you can see the clock ticking if you follow the drop link:

Oh cool so this actually a pack ?

Yes, just like i deliver my printed photos: packed in a box, so I thought the NFT's owners deserve the same . In every pack there is a single photo (for the moment) with 3 variations: Common, Epic and Mythic. In the near future I plan to release 2 photos per drop until this Enchanters Collection ends, right now I have 6 more pictures left to release.

How many NFTs have you released ?

Never really counted, but I'm guessing not so much ,as I said I've I started on my own little over a month ago. the "Enchanters Collection " has 10 photos and I have released 4 till now

And how has the community reacted to your project ?

"The first enchanter" - the first picture released was a sold out and it bought me a good audience who started collecting the pictures to come. Overall I think there is a small niche of photographers who mint photography NFT's and also a small niche of people who collect photography NFTs, but I have my spot and I'm grateful for that .

Are your NFTs based on new photos or old ones you had ?

Most of them are freshly made every week - and that's the challenge: to assemble a team of hair and makeup artists along with the model, all done in the little time that I and they have.

Oh wow so each week you have to make up a design for your NFTs ?

Yes, I have to talk to my team in advance so we can set a day for the shooting. I do the brainstorm, find the model, the location and then the makeup and hair artists complete the work.

Do you use the same team each time ?

Most of the time yes - but from time to time I like to work with new artists and share their vision of experience.

How long does it take to get your NFTs made from thought to minting them ?

Usually 4-5 days, that's why I can only make one drop per week, I don't like to rush things out - I chose quality over quantity.

Of course what has been your favorite NFT so far ?

I think the first Enchanter - it gave me the thrills to try and make something new, and also it was the fuse for everything that followed .

Can we have a picture ?

My pleasure ! Actually I will mint the 4th Enchanter and you could do a giveaway for those who will read this - of course - if that's ok with you.

Of course happily ?

Great! as I said - always a pleasure!

What programs you using to finish your NFTs ?

Like I said - I like to do what I know best, and for NFTs, like I do for my digital photographs - I use Photoshop from the start to finish.

Of course and when your doing a shoot does the model know its for a NFT ?

Although is a new concept for some, i like to explain the project so that the team can shift their efforts into doing something great

And would like to try collab with another NFT artist on this as in let them design the background ?

Why not? Art has many forms and i think we can all learn and share our knowledge and vision.

Is there an artist you would like to work with ?

Not in particular, but let's meet in a few months and see what the future had in store for us

Of course do you collect NFTs yourself ?

Not yet, and that mainly because I didn't had time to open a bottle of wine and just browse other artist .

Ah so your always busy !!!

My day starts at 7am and usually ends at 11pm or even 1am - so yes, one could say I'm always busy .

I know the feeling . What do you for a full time job ?

Full time job is a a blurry term in this chapter of my life . I'm torn between my job as a photographer and a small coffee studio that I opened with my fiancé last year during the pandemic.

Oh wow and this on top . How does your fiance feel about your project ?

She's very supportive usually, but sometimes the shootings and preparings of packs are colliding with out free time spent together, and i guess that entitles me to say that sometimes i sacrifice good things for those NFTs .

I think that happens I am guessing you have to make big gestures when it happens?

Haha, yes! And right now she's asking when when will i start cooking that tomato soup with mozzarella that it supposed to be ready by now 🤣🤣

Only a few more questions lol .Tell us something random about yourself ?

I always won my photography awards without knowing I was competing and i have a collection of sushi designed t-shirts and socks (who else loves sushi?)

Why sushi ?

I find it a form of art - the textures, the colors, the taste, even the pieces arrangement in the plate

Of course what do you for fun when your not working ?

I love taking long roadtrips to the seaside or mountains areas - my way of "recharging my batteries" sitting in a sun like a crocodile with a glass of tequila sunrise

Sounds good to be fair . Do you have any other crypto bar wax ?

Nope, never been into trading or mining .

That's fair enough . You said earlier you would like to do a competition how many would you like to give away ?

Well, to remember this moment I will send one for you and 5 for out lucky readers

Prefect and thank you so much . Where can the community keep up to date with news from your project ?

My website

My Twitter

My Discord

Is there anything you would like to say or add to the readers before I let you go cook your soup ?

Those are challenging times guys, support the small businesses and support the art! Curate, buy, own, sell !

Thank you so much for your time and good luck with the drop on Thursday

Sweet! It's a wrap?

Yea go feed your wife to be .

Aye .

Thank you so much and talk you for your time and we finally got to sit down and chat .

Its been a pleasure .

Pleasure been all mine .

So to one of drop your wax address below and to have further chances to win enter the twitter competition link below . Dont forget to give him a follow and check out his other NFTs .

$ 14.28
$ 12.74 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.50 from @JonicaBradley
$ 0.20 from @eommaZel
+ 11
Sponsors of Crackers


Such a Glamorous Collection !!!y3hb4.wam

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Always wanted to have one of Catalin Fatu's NFT. I can foresee that she will soon explode in the NFT market! cg2vq.wam

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Why the NFTs so hot 🤣 Thanks .axr.wam

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Stunning! That's really professional work she's got there! No doubt she will be a big success as a digital artist . I would be honored to hodl one of those amazing creations!


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Me LIKE rx2r4.wam

$ 0.00
3 years ago

ng5s2.wam Cool! Thank you! :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Very cool! p4ira.wam

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This guy is really good. Giving him a follow on twitter asap


$ 0.00
3 years ago

nttee.wam followed on Twitter, too

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Cheers seen that thank you

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wow! Adding beauty to beauty! Love those NFTs, 😍


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Great NFTs ... finally a Romanian buddy doing NFTs....

$ 0.00
3 years ago

They arent the first one or the last

$ 0.00
3 years ago

one day... I will make time to get myself whitelisted :D

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I'm in the process.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hope you enjoyed my pet prompt... was about time for me to join one 😆

$ 0.03
3 years ago

Indeed. Yup. I liked it.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Its 30 day waiting list

$ 0.00
3 years ago