Meet the artist behind BeeDen

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So I caught sight of this project a while back and at that time it hadn't dropped a NFT and while I am writing this it still hasn't but don't you worry the first drop is incoming in less than 18 hours but don't you worry I have got your back with some sneak peaks and the low down with artist about the project.



How's things?

I'm good thanks. How's you?

I am good its the weekend for me . Doing anything exciting today?

That's good. I've just been airdropping some BeeDen Coins out to the community and working on some promotional stuff for the "Bumble" drop on Monday.

How did you discover crypto?

I only discovered crypto last year when I noticed an advert for whilst watching the F1.

Yea a lot of crypto in F1 now and you find NFTs?

I’m a fan of Iron Maiden, and I saw a post on their social media about the Funko NFTs and was curious to find out more about them.

And when did you decide to create your own project?

It was towards the end of last year. I had collected some NFTs on WAX and loved the idea of creating something that would be fun and bring people the same excitement I had experienced.

Why bees?

Bees are my favorite animal and I wanted to create art that I hope people will find cute and inspire them to learn more about how important Bees are for our Planet. Plus, because I want to create on the WAX blockchain, I thought they were quite fitting.

Wax and bees totaly get it lol . So your official launch is Monday?

Yes, "BUMBLE", the very first BeeDen Boxed Toy Collectible will be dropping on Monday 11th July @ 18:00 UTC.

Any sneak peaks? AtomicHub – Template #531513

That is class I love the box bee look . How you find building community?

Thanks! Getting the word out about the project is not my strong suit. So, I have had some difficulty growing the BeeDen community.

It will happen give it time .How many NFTs do you have ready to drop?

Thanks! There's 555 Bumbles ready and waiting to drop.

How many different NFTs?

Series 1 is a collection of 33 different Bee Characters.

And they will be all dropping the same time?

No, I am planning to release them gradually over time.

What is the process behind creating them?

The process starts with a basic idea or a theme. For example, Lava and I will form the idea in my mind until I feel I have a solid concept and then I will start creating it in blender.

How long does each NFT take to create?

It varies. Sometimes a few hours, but depending on the complexity, it can take over a week to finish one.

What programs you using for creation?

I use Blender.

Do you have a favorite of the collection?

I do but I would like to keep them a surprise, so I can't say yet. So you'll have to stay tuned.

Is this a one man project?

The NFTs are a one Woman project ;) although, I do have some help on Twitter from time to time.

Oh I do apologize .What has been the hardest part of the project?

The hardest part of the project for me is building a community. There are a few things I have enjoyed.

What has been the best part?

First, seeing the evolution of each new Bee from the last. Learning the process of creating on WAX minting, making the drop etc. And also, it's been great to have already had some compliments on what I have created so far.

What you like to do to unwind?

I like to be outside; going for a walk I find resets my brain. Also, I have recently created some abstracts on procreate because I don't have to put any real thought into making them. The art just flows, and it helps me unwind.

Tell us something random about you?

I once spent the day handling venomous snakes, including a King Cobra.

Where is the best place to keep up with the project?

I would say Twitter is the best place : 

Where can we buy your NFTs?

The drop will be on NeftyBlocks : I am going to be giving away Landbox BeeDen characters to 10 random people who join the BeeDen Telegram before the Bumble Drop

Any chance of a competition for the readers?

I would also like to send you 10 BeeDen Promo Coins for you to give away to your readers however you choose.

Oh thank you so much. Before we finish up is there anything you would like to say or add for the readers?

I would just like to say thanks for giving me the opportunity to share my project with your readers, I hope I haven't been too boring!

Right guys if you fancy winning one of these check out the link below but don't forget to check out there drop tomorrow this will be there first drop.

$ 5.51
$ 5.26 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.20 from @PVMihalache
$ 0.05 from @Ruffa
Sponsors of Crackers
