Broken Dolls The Crumb PFP
There is very few projects that could stop doing there project for a while and could come back stronger and my god has my bro done it he has been killing it with his new drops but also dropped a sneaky NFT PFP last week not only done but has clothes and a game coming very soon but more about the game later . He was recently very lucky when Wax bough up a lot of his work on the second hand market giving him a huge 24 hour sales number and if they are backing him so should you so why we here ? Well he has been working on another PFP this time its a lot bigger then .
Hey bro
Yo yo
How you today?
Good good , at the fiat mines
Has to be done sadly
True to that
Where would you like to start?
Anywhere, Ask away
Lets start with PFP
Sure, so after two years here I decided I want to make a generative PFP and Just so happens NFTHive made a tool for it.
Can I ask why you wanted to make a PFP?
Never made one so .. why not
What will it be called?
The crumb
Why The Crumb?
Have u seen it ? Bit coin blues gave it the name
So you let him name it lol I can see why its called that how many will there be for minting?
If my math is right 111
Ah and will there be different level of rarities?
Yes, there will be accessories, different backgrounds and colors , some rare then others
Can you tell us any of the traits?
9 attributes, Hair, hats , bio mechanical eyes, body parts, different beards , mouths, The most rare one is a NFTHive hat.
And why did you choose to use NFTHive tool?
First of all , I love everything those guys do. They're a huge Pilar in the community. They have a simple to use tool that actually mints the assets on the instant so that was my best choice
So you said there should be 111 is there any that stand out for you?
There's one that is background is Amsterdam 🙃
Can we have a sneak peak?
It's a real image I traced and changed
Ha ha ha love it man when will the PFP go live
Maybe maybe maybe ill be able to finish it this weekend, a few more backgrounds and I'm done.
How much will they be to buy?
They will be 25 wax per a piece
Will they be stakeable or hold any function?
No no no. I'm sick of staking but holders will get special equipment that can be crafted to the PFP
Oh how is broke coin doing at the moment?
Pretty good , I'm keeping it small at the moment , have many plans for it this year 🙃
Can you hint at any?
It will be used in my upcoming casual mobile game
Now speaking about casual mobile gaming we have to chat about yours lol
We gonna save that for next time 😉
Oh really well is it ok to share the video of the game
Of course.
And guys there is a sneaky rumor that a NFT rapper might be making the background music but you didn't here it from me
So guys if you want to pick up a Crumb check out the link below
If you want to keep up to date with Broken Dollz
Website coming soon
Neftyblocks drop page
Secondary market