Kabul 9/11

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3 years ago

Twelve years prior today America changed. We weren't hoping to transform, we would fundamentally not like to change, however it's a change we had to experience. We will never be the equivalent again. I've followed all the posts today on Facebook in my news channel pretty much all the recognitions, the photos, the help for both the survivors of the assault and the Service Members actually battling a war that should be slowing down.

As 9/11 drew nearer, we twofold took a look at ourselves, ensured everything was acceptable, and remained careful. No concerns. We've been doing this for quite a while. Yet, I think what happened today found everybody napping. Nobody saw this coming.

As I came out the entryway of the structure to toss a case in the dumpster I could hear the upheaval in the city beyond our compound. It was after dull. I could hear individuals shouting, horns blowing, and commotions that sounded a terrible part like gunfire. I could see glimmers of light noticeable all around. I saw that everybody outside was quiet. Looking to the sky, yet quiet. For what reason would anyone say anyone wasn't hiding? We are in a combat area all things considered and I know without a doubt that is gunfire I hear. After my outing to the dumpster, I strolled to the gazebos where the day by day tattle and b.s. stories could be heard for the afternoon. That is the place I discovered what was going on.

The Afghanistan soccer group beat India to win its first since forever worldwide prize in soccer. Individuals were celebrating. Since I don't follow soccer, I don't know, yet I think this places them in the opposition for the World Cup. The Afghans have something to cheer about. What's more, they were cheering. Firecrackers and genuine gunfire. Hollering in the roads, horns sounding. I could just picture it from where I was. I sat at the gazebos for about an hour tuning in to the individuals on the opposite side of the dividers. I watch tracers fly over the camp and could hear the rodent a-tat-tat of the assault rifles. Don't these folks realize those rounds need to descend some place? I saw one of the Afghanistan translators sitting out there. She was grinning, taking it all in. I could see the APPF (Afghan People's Protection Force) watches at the door. They were cheerful, warmly greeting a portion of the Afghan specialists from our aggravate that strolled by on their way to their quarters for the evening.

Afghanistan is a country that has been destroyed for the majority of 34 years by war and government agitation, Soviet occupation, Taliban strangle hold, degenerate legislative issues, and that's only the tip of the iceberg. Also, for a long time before that this nation has managed ancestral and ethnic divisions just as strict agitation. The Afghanistan soccer group has carried some solidarity and bliss to this generally bleak spot to be. The individuals here have motivation to stick their chest out, something to be glad for. I am really cheerful for them. I trust they win once more. Possibly with less gunfire next time, however.

I heard a commentator state one time, "Winning makes a huge difference." I don't accept that to be valid in the expansive point of view of life. Tomorrow will be equivalent to yesterday, just today was extraordinary. However, I do realize that here, for now, dominating a soccer match meant everything to a country. What's more, I'm happy I was here for it.

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3 years ago


good article ,keep it up dear

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