Guardian Sect: The Second Phase Of Forces

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Avatar for Constant1995
2 years ago

The Altez mountain that mention in the Heavenly Library is really weird. According to the scroll, this mountain was a formation created by the ancestor to protect the whole continent.

No one can enter here except for those who have pass even the enemy will steal the pass, there are still checkpoint that waiting for those spies.

This mountain was a great treasure that the ancestor brought from other planet that destroyed. No one can able to scratched it, except for those who have space force second phase, the Chaos force.

"Master, how can we crossed this mountain, I think flying was resricted by this formation."

"Oh! You have now learn how to observed. Yes, you are right; these mountain is great defend formation. Don't worry, even we don't have pass, you must trust your master."

"Do you mean, we can travel in the void to enter in the side of mountain?"

"No, we need to walk thousand miles, if we used space force, we can't enter here. The ancient peole was used a passed to enter here but we don't have pass. The only thing we need to do is create a hole."

"Master, how we can enter if we can't scratch this rock?"

"Do you know, every forces have second phase, it's depend on luck, talent and persistent to achieved those kind of thing. Example, the fire element, if you achieved the second forced, you can able to create any kind of fire. Look at this Maya."


"How is it?"

"Impossible, how can you able to copy my Dark-red flame. Master, how you do that?"

"Mmm. Maya, Do you think your flame is special, no, it's not. Once you reached the pinnacle of your forces, you can able to comprehend the second force of fire."

"If you reached the second phase, you will become invisible in the same force even your enemy have higher level."

"Master, its mean you already reach the second phase of fire? How can you able to comprehend another force? I thought your only force was space."

"Nothing impossible, if you really want to comprehend another forces, you must do it in balances. Sometimes, we must not greedy in power, if we think to eat something that we must not, you only destroyed your self."

"I started study different kind of forces when I still three years old. When I reached ten years old, I started to travel around the world."

"Master, you are really a genius."

"No I'm not, if you want to achieved want you wanted, you must persistent to grasp the opportunity."

"Master, can I learn another force?"

"Yes, you can but you will stuck in Emperor Stage."

"Don't worry, if you reached the middle stage of your force, I will teach you a skill. Right now, you must consolidate your force to make it stable."

"Okay, lets go,this mountain is really hard to make a hole if you I din't practice the earth element. I think, we need one month to cross this place."

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Avatar for Constant1995
2 years ago


Hey! Welcome back!

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2 years ago

Hi. Thank you.

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2 years ago

This is the chapter IV of Guardian Sect. I don't what is lacking in the information of this chapter, but I will update after I observe or re-read. A

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2 years ago