🔵 Why I Just Sold My Home!! Assets vs Liability - Real Estate, Guns, Ammo, Bitcoin, Gold,Food,Water
+ Five REAL insurances for life:
● Real Estate
● Guns & Ammo
● Bitcoin & Crypto
● Gold & Silver
● Food & Water
I'm not sure how valuable precious metals will be if the economy really collapses completely due to an EMP or whatever. Things newly-poor people would want like food and shelter might be good to go with the guns and ammo.
If you pay rent that is LESS than the interest on a potential home purchase, that seems smart unless the value of the property rises a lot. That's the thing real estate seems to have going for it if you choose wisely. You assume real estate will crash in value. You may know better then me, but when the dollar has trouble from too many of them being printed I wonder about the dollars losing value more than the real estate. Inflation of home value might offset the loss in value of the dollars. If the inflation is great, it also makes the value of the money you borrowed less. It becomes easier to pay it off. I think that's the plan for the USA, make it's dollars lose value so they can afford to pay the debt back later at a big value-discount.
Maybe it depends on the real estate you borrow to hold for value rise? I think some of it will be worth paying today's low interest rates on. It is all gambling though.