2020 The Unforgettable Year

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Avatar for Coldjayhearted
3 years ago
Topics: 2021

For the past century, many people experience difficulties, problems, and challenges that no one can escape. In every generation of human being, people fight every problems they experience. Poverty, natural calamity, sickness, accident and many many more. But according to the research, the year 2020, records the higher rate of people suffered and lost their lives.

Although the world was focused on the Pandemic we encountered today, the CORONAVIRUS. The presence of the natural disasters has persisted. In the year 2020, in community of Australia to Turkey only, there are record-breaking Atlantic hurricane season, flash floods, volcanic eruption, earthquakes, and wildfires plaqued already reeling community on the said country.

many worst thing happened in 2020

According to the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, there has been a rise in climate-related disasters during the past 20 years. Between 2000 and 2019 to 2020, there was 3,656 climate-related events happened like floods, which more than doubled in the past 20 years, that caused thousands of people lost their lives.

The only way to cope up this challenges we experience today is showing faith. 🙏 FAITH is powerful. We don't need to give up, God will help us! I prayed that you and your Family will be safe, and have a good health. Prayers are gift from God, we can communicate with him so let's use this gift 🎁 to help others.

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Avatar for Coldjayhearted
3 years ago
Topics: 2021
