Bitcoin Revolution: It's Never Late than 'Never'

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10 months ago

Ever since its inception in 2009 Bitcoin has been a consistent and solid asset class that is capable of becoming digital gold, a hedge against inflation and a monetary system that can replace the old feudal money. All of these observations about Bitcoin are utterly true and proven day after day. As a result people all around the globe have started accepting that Bitcoin is a revolution. To make the revolutionary aspect of Bitcoin further clear let me quote a few famous lines from Lord Alfred Tennyson:

The old order changeth yielding place to new And God fulfills himself in many ways Lest one good custom should corrupt the world.

The lines above have so much to interpret yet, the central idea is about creating a new world replacing the old and putrescent customs or laws. And whenever and wherever human race needed a change in the system, it divided itself into two groups; one holding onto the customs and laws and another crying aloud for a new era filled with hope.

Now let's take the curious case of Satoshi's Bitcoin revolution. You are well aware of the fact that Bitcoin is trying to replace the centralised monetary system with a decentralized one, that's the first requisite for a revolution. The second requisite for a revolution is about dividing human race and Bitcoin also seems capable of this, albeit partially. Alright, now we can conclude that Bitcoin is a revolution and we are fortunate enough to be a part of it. Thank you Bitcoin! Thank You Satoshi Nakamato! Thank you Blockchain!

Wait a little and acknowledge that we must not come to a conclusion entirely based on a wave of our emotions. We are so emotional as bitcoiners that we don't realise a revolution can only be recalled as revolution when it becomes entirely successful. Until now Bitcoin does not hold that winner's trophy against any of its foes. It's true that it's battling hard and many times raced ahead of its opponents. So what's that mojo or talisman that will win the battle for Bitcoin; for all of us Crypto Geeks? Let's see:

The thought that guarantees Bitcoin a winner's trophy is the mathematics and democracy inherent in it's structural coding.

First let me make it very clear that Bitcoin is of everyone, by everyone and  for everyone. It does not discriminate anyone and has every characteristic of a democratic currency. It's the triumph of a world that does not necessarily represent boundries. Bitcoin is borderless. The only currency that can take the whole whole world under an umbrella. 

Secondly, the brilliance of mathematics and the calculation of reverend Satoshi is far more foresighted than it seems to a common day trader. Now let's understand a little about it. After 20 years when the actual block reward will be 1/10 that of a Bitcoin, Can anyone imagine how much worth a bitcoin be? Another calculation applied is that Bitcoin is scarce, but also highly portable. You can send billions of dollars of Bitcoin anywhere in the world instantly, for virtually no cost. No other asset in the world has this combination of scarcity and portability. This makes Bitcoin an attractive asset for moving large amounts of money efficiently.

As mentioned above Bitcoin is just the way ahead, a hope that will entirely restructure the monetary system. But Bitcoin is at 30K levels now and you might think you've missed the train. It's too late to invest now. Well, here's the truth: it's never too late to invest in Bitcoin. Sure, you wish you bought some when it was just a few cents per coin. But the reality is Bitcoin is still just getting started. It's still a new technology, and the possibilities for growth are huge. The price may drop again at some point, giving you a chance to buy at a "discount". And even if it never drops significantly again, the overall trend is up. As more people discover Bitcoin and its potential, demand will continue to rise. So don't kick yourself for missing out earlier. The opportunity is still there. Bitcoin is the future, and the future is now. Let's be a part of the change.

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10 months ago
