What is Kiyosaki opinion on bitcoin?

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2 years ago

Welcome to CoffeeCrypto today is another day, I bring you a news that may be interesting for you about the cryptocurrency market let's start!

  • Robert kiyosaki says that the fall of bitcoin is excellent news, investor Robert kiyosaki the successful author of the book on personal finance from the book of rich parents poor parents. He considers the regent that there is depression seen in the digital currency market to be excellent news, the self guro financier who in the past has repeatedly recommended in his followers to buy bitcoin as inflation shelter assets, took to twitter again to share his latest perspective on cryptocurrencies.

own catch.

 Ah unlike other traders, he was not worried about the backward pressure on the market, in fact he indicated that he expects the price of bitcoin to go down even further to buy "Your profits are made when you buy, not when you sell" he said in the form of advice to 1.8 million followers on twitter. What do you think about this? Let me know in the comments.

Now on to today's tip of the day:

In the world of investments, there is a very common mistake, and for which we have all gone through at some point, I'm talking about knowing how to control your emotions to buy in the most effective way possible see if normally when you can buy cheap, I do not feel like it because the price is very cheap and my emotions tell me not to do it, but when you can buy expensive I feel like it because I have seen all the rise.

Surely this sounds familiar right? then this is a mistake that we have all gone through at some time and here what provides is the power of self-control, that you have over your emotions this is a job of self-control cold feelings and knowledge to interpret the market from outside and not make any mistake, to get carried away by your emotions, here is also involved your level of training obviously the more trained is the better you know.

Learn to interpret the market and less emotions you will get into it, start to control your emotions and do not get carried away by those voices that tell you to buy because you just saw a great rise, in reality emotions in this market are absolutely useless, here who always wins is the one who is more trained in the sector.

With nothing more to say I say goodbye until the next article, if you like or dislike the information let me know, also any constructive criticism is welcome :) .

Photo capture taken at: https://twitter.com/theRealKiyosaki/status/1485425278742528004?cxt=HHwWiICs_feapZ0pAAAA

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2 years ago
