Censorship Free PocketNet...

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Avatar for CodyMac50
3 years ago

I always hate talking about social media platforms, but right now, more and more people are being censored for their political views, or for being the wrong political ideology.

Personally, I don't care who is what, and frankly I don't care why. All I am trying to do is tell people about my beliefs, (death, burial, and resurrection of Yashua, "Jesus").

Twitter bans, and so does Facebook. I know not everyone gets banned, because that would generalize everyone.

I am talking about those who form groups, and go stand on street corners.

PocketNet allows content creators to post without the fear of being banned, or their subject matter to be taken down.

Who am I to police someone else's conscience? If you want to post about how you own 100 guns, and have 10,000,000 rounds to destroy a small city, then do it.

What I don't want is for you to tell me that if I don't have a gun, then somehow I am "less of a man".

I don't agree with believers having guns. But I'm not EVER going to tell anyone to " put the guns down, and hug it out". It isn't my conscience.

I say to each their own, and just remember the widows, and fatherless...that really is what believers are told to look after.

I got off on that tangent because I sometimes need to vent that no one likes to be "told" what to do. PocketNet gives people the choice to interact with a post, or ignore it.

Since PocketNet isn't censorship happy, it is a place to feel free. Are there Nazi sympathizers there, and haters as well...yes. But ignore it.

It is like the way america was seen to be by the founding fathers. You police you. You are in control, and you are responsible for what you do.

Join me there, and see what it is about freedom that makes folks smile...


$ 0.72
$ 0.72 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for CodyMac50
3 years ago
