Introductory article.

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Avatar for Coco_theblogger57
10 months ago
Topics: Thoughts

Hello there, my readers. My name is Adindu Chiamaka, I'm also known as Coco_theblogger57 and I am your newest TFL Blogger on this space. For those of us wondering,TFL is an acronym for Travel, Food and Lifestyle.

I have a flair for writing; I discovered that I have a real talent in writing when I was in my elementary school. Back then, I used to write short stories and show them to my class teacher and my mom, and they both encouraged me to keep it up and to not relent, and I never would.

I decided to go into full time blogging early last year and I was able to gain a space for myself on this wonderful space called (please check out my first ever portfolio, my username was Coco01) but then, due to personal reasons, I decided to put a hold on my blogging career but now I am back.

I picked Travel, Food and Lifestyle as my current niche because I am a huge lover of food. I love to eat good food and so I have decided to share my love and passion for it with the rest of the world. Moreover, being a social butterfly, I also love going to places, visiting new places, making new friends, socialising and learning new things. I also wish to discuss, from time to time, about exotic destinations and uncommon places in the world that you may or may not have come across before.

One may wonder, what's the big deal about TFL?

Well, I consider Travel, Food and Lifestyle to be a huge deal and an integral part of our survival as human beings, for a few reasons. We all love to eat food, right? We all love to dig into and savour wholesome and delicious meals that please our taste buds, don't we?

Also, I feel and I know for sure that this world is a really beautiful place and nature is amazing and I would like to take you on a journey to discover the beauties of nature.

I honestly look forward to to interacting with amazing personalities present on this space. I promise to abide by the rules and more importantly, I promise to deliver amazing articles that are mentally stimulating and interesting as well.

Till we cross paths again, this is your favourite Travel, Food and Lifestyle blogger signing out at this point. Ciao! ❤️

$ 0.03
$ 0.02 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.01 from @halu
Avatar for Coco_theblogger57
10 months ago
Topics: Thoughts
