So If I Tell You That I Have Done Things, Things You Can't Relate To

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So if I tell you that i have done things, things you can't relate to

Would you still love me the same or would you judge me like the rest do

So if i tell you I once overdosed tried to slit my wrist too

Would you deal with it okay or would you try to blame me for it too

If I tell you i'm an addict to things you won't believe I'm into

Would you feel like a failure? like you didn't do what you should do

So if i tell you I have searched love in a way that isn't holy

Would you tell me I'm a whore or would you tell me you are sorry

So tell me, If i let you read all of the notes i have burned

Would you feel bad for me or would you say well deserved

If I tell you all the things I do, whenever I'm home alone

Would you feel bad for me or would you wish for me gone

If i show you the small scars I have been printing all over me

Would you say I'm a show off or would you try to be my family

If i show you my true colors and you don't find themย  pretty

Would you take me as i am or would you try to re paint me?

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