You skin can absorb sun light,
You need not to apply sun bum,
Sun burns you won't get,
You ain't no albino,
Skin like cheetahs you won't get.
You feel your heart is broken,
When you think of the damn days,
The memories you shared,
You break down,
Crippled you feel,
Little did you know your teacher he was,
Showing you the way to love,
Giving you experiences,
Showing you steps to take in the up coming events,
Stronger he is has made you.
Don't feel shattered or broken,
Raise your head up high,
Believe you can do it,
Shake off your pain,
Grab him by his horns,
Drag him on the ground,
Tell him thank you,
Cause you have made me a giant,
I triumph upon pain cause it's my cup of tea.
® Spitting pen 🖋 🖋