I Was Sent By The gods To Heal Your Every Pain

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Avatar for Clintbling
4 years ago

To set you free from those haunting scary monsters

To turn your heavy weight to couple of tiny feathers

To Replace your tears with a laugh that's musical

To turn your painful whines to a song that's lyrical

I was sent by the gods to heal your every pain

To free you from yourself to get you off this chain

I was told you're mourning over the life you live

And that you're getting weak and got no more to give

so i'm here to set you free like Aladdin did the genie

Here to breath you hope to help you up off your knee

But I have been here enough to know your true intention

This isn't a society thing you're really seeking attention

I have seen you search for pain on every situation

I have seen you push away every possible medication

You have not known depression its all your imagination

You claim suicidal but I bet you will beg for your life

I know you will kill to live I can test you with a knife

You are not really depressed you are following a trend

a trend wont last forever you wont be hard to bend

I'm going back to the gods and I must deliver the tragedy

I must tell them to stop trying and to not ever send me

The youth don't want to heal they claim to lose their sanity

They don't even know, crazy doesn't know its crazy.

$ 0.00
Avatar for Clintbling
4 years ago


Super post keep writing.... good article keep it up

$ 0.00
4 years ago