I have a confession to make
I'm an addict💔
I'm really addicted to these worldly things
I can't survive a day without them
Addicted to every moment of sin
hopeless but endlessly happy
sold all my loyalty to this worldly vanity
which only drives me away from sanity
never thinking bout anything else but sinning
I'm truly an Addict
my love runs deep into drugs & drugs
not forgetting food, sex and money
cracking all the walls of my heavenly body
that God gave me willingly
no one thinks am killing me
coz if I were I would be dead by now
all they know is that am enjoying my life
I need a rehabilitation
but am not ready to let go of this world yet
the world of no heart breaks
but only struggles for more life...
I hope I'll face change one day and leave the world behind😇