Does Islam Permit Love Marriage Or Not?

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3 years ago


Islam is the strongest promoter of marriage. According to Islam marriage is a religious duty as well as a social contract. The Prophet (S.A.W), has also said: “Marriage is my tradition who so ever keeps away therefrom is not from amongst me”

As per Islam, if you do sex before marriage, then it is ‘haram’, and considered as one of the greatest sins and called as ‘Zina’. So, in Islam marriage is necessary to fulfill the social as well as physical needs of men and women. It is a social requirement because through marriage, families are established and the system of the family is most significant in our society. You should not delay your marriage if you have proper means to do so because it is recommendatory in Islam but, at the same time Islam also allows you to spend your life alone and can remain ‘single’. If you don’t want to marry anyone because you think that you don’t pay the rights of your partner properly, or you dislike children, and you think the marriage will affect your religious deeds, etc. you can avoid marriage.

Purposes of Marriage in Islam:

•    The main aim of marriage through Islam is to grant company to one another sexes, give love to one another, procreate children and live your life in peace and harmony by following the commandments of Allah.

•    In Islam, marriage is also a form of ‘ibadah’, because by doing marriage you are obeying Allah and his messenger. It serves as a tension reducer and acts as a means to satisfy you emotionally and sexually. It is the only possible way for the sexes to unite.

•    In Islam, you should be mature enough to do marriage because it is not like buying a dress where you can exchange it if you don’t like it. It is a commitment of whole life and your partner should be yours forever and the only choice in this regard.

Islam on love marriage:

 Islam lays emphasis that you should marry the person whom you want to marry. In Islam, the unreasonable force upon a man or a woman by their family members for marriage is forbidden. One should have the right to choose his or her partner. Your partner should be according to your own choice. However, Islam does not permit you to live alone in a closed room or go out together or the romantic notions that young people often have, are also not allowed in Islam before marriage and there is no concept of court marriages in Islam. For those who like each other, nothing has been proven as good as marriage in the Islamic way for them.

        According to Islam, the marriage of a girl against her wishes or without obtaining her consent is not permitted.

          It’s completely OK in Islam to do marriages by suggestions and according to your own choice but if you do marriage only because of physical attraction towards that person then this won’t prove good for you because physical attraction towards any person or things will get over one day when you will be dealing with the real world. So, in order to get married, it’s important for both the partners to know each other very well for the successful running of the marriage.

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