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Depression is sleeping in the day in a dark room. Ignoring calls and texts even if you want someone to cry to. You feel lonely and empty, but don't want company. You are not dark.. just broken in many ways. They call it the SILENT KILLER. Please don't let it kill you... you can come out of this... not by a motivational video but you might need to let someone in. You are depressed doesn't mean you have a flaw in your character. You probably are one of the realest people you know. You are stronger than you know.. there's a bright day ahead of you.

Always remember that!

You are precious.

Deep down you already know you are!

You deserve love.

You deserve happiness.

You deserve a genuine human connection.

This stage of your life shouldn't define you. Don't let it.

Am here to be the voice that tells you not to give up.

If you need to talk.. always here


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