Bitcoin Cash : Hodling to get more valued is the best option

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2 years ago

Bitcoin cash has been in existence for over 4 years and still counting. Had its ups and downs, moments when the price skyrocket and moment when the price hits its lowest point.

Had a friend who told me "bitcoin cash is a just a shadow of bitcoin, with time it will fade like the sand of the shores, I looked at him straight in the face, and asked him a question " A woman who gets married, does she abandon all her names, certainly no! Bitcoin cash is a forked bitcoin but never a shadow of bitcoin.

Though this is my first post in this site but have been a regular user of

Bitcoin can do better if only we hodl the coin, I know a lot of us have heard about that term.

What is hodl?

There are two ideology to the definition of "HODL" some school of thought said it is a mispelt word, "hold" while other school of thought said it means "Holding On To Dear Life" . whatever, is the definition of hodl, I think all bch lovers should adopt it.

why did I say so ?

When a particular commodity is scarce in the market, there is much preference attached to it, let's take for instance the scarcity of gold has increased it's market worth, so if we hodl our crypto without rushing to change them to Fiat currency, it will increase it's market worth.

I know most and users use their daily earnings to solve their everyday problem, which I won't kick against but will only encourage them to hodl a part of their earnings so we could add value to the Bitcoin cash community.

Ways of Hodling Bitcoin Cash

There are ways of hodling Bitcoin cash which am going to share with everyone ;

i. No Exchange: If bch users and lovers will discourage the exchange or the sales of bitcoin cash, it will help boast it's market worth.

ii. Hardware Wallet: Getting a hardware Wallet were your Bitcoin earnings are moved into will also reduce the amount of bch being exchanged.

iii. Being Unwavered: Ofcourse yes! most of us become scared when there price of Bitcoin cash goes down, we run to sell everything and start afresh, oh no! do you cut your hand off when it's infected, no! I guess, so why do you sell of all your coins when there is a dip ?

To add more value to the bch community, we need to be Unwavering.


With this few points of mine, hope have been able to convince everyone that to Hodl bch will increase it worth. though many people have lost faith in the growth of Bitcoin cash, we the lovers of Bitcoin cash shouldn't, this all that Bitcoin cash requires from us to be the best cryptocurrency. hold on to dear life, for one day Bitcoin cash will make you proud .

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2 years ago
