top 5 pregnancy exercises

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3 years ago

While pregnancy may not be the time to take up a new sport, low-intensity exercise can help your body cope with labour, boost your mood and aid your recovery post-birth.

“It allows you to maintain energy and muscle tone as your body changes and prepares you for labour and early motherhood,” says Lisa Westlake, author of Exercising for 2. Here are her fitness tips for a healthy pregnancy.


Regular walking is the ideal activity to start during pregnancy if you weren’t exercising pre-pregnancy. Start by walking on a flat, level surface for two minutes at a slow stroll, gradually adding one minute every few days, but always staying within your comfort zone. While some women continue running (after consulting their doctor), walking actually suits your body best during pregnancy. “Walking, rather than running, is preferable for your joints and pelvic floor,” says Lisa.

Photo Credit: BabyCenter

Swimming and aqua exercise

Swimming is another good pregnancy exercise, as the water supports your body and provides gentle resistance. If you haven’t been swimming prior to pregnancy, start with ten minutes in the pool and only swim as far as you feel comfortable, remembering to avoid breast-stroke if you have pelvic-joint pain. If you’re used to swimming, try using the pool for more than just laps. “Walking in the water, kicking at the wall and working with aqua equipment such as noodles opens a whole new world to pre-natal fitness,” says Lisa.

Photo Credit: ActiveSG


If you visited a gym pre-pregnancy, trade in your aerobics lessons for a fitball class designed for pregnant women. The low-impact moves performed while sitting on the ball is a gentle cardiovascular option that also works your posture and pelvic floor. “It’s ideal for those people new to exercise or wanting to take it easy,” says Lisa, adding to always use a fitball on a non-slip surface, and try not to bounce, as it will put added stress on your pelvic floor and uterus.

Photo Credit: Alamy

Pilates and yoga

Pregnancy-specific pilates and yoga classes are ideal exercise classes to keep you in shape during pregnancy. “They’re low impact and have added focus on core, posture, breathing and pelvic floor,” says Lisa, adding to always choose low impact classes and to tell your instructor that you’re pregnant when continuing your usual yoga class, as some positions may be unsuitable.

Photo Credit: Yoga Journal

Strength training

If you’ve been lifting light weights before pregnancy, it’s great to keep you strong when your baby arrives, although you should reduce the load and modify certain exercises. “During your pregnancy sensible muscle conditioning helps you to keep your body toned and strong, helping you and your baby cope with the physical demands of carrying your baby in utero and everyday life,” says Lisa. Join a class designed for pregnant women, or ask a trainer to tailor the exercises for you. If you haven’t been a prior gym goer, consult a physiotherapist or trainer with pre-natal fitness experience before beginning a strength training program.

Photo Credit: Happy Family Organics


Always check with your doctor before starting any exercise program and seek professional advice if you experience any discomfort or concern.

Credit to Jillian Michaels for the lead photo.

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3 years ago


i got a lot of information

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