Sonic VS Flash VS Quicksilver. Who is fastest ?

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3 years ago
Topics: Movies, Comics

We have many speedsters in movies but the fastest of them we know are Sonic, Flash and Quicksilver. Probably many of us who like them once in our lifetime would think "who is fastest of them all ?"

If you really came here to know who is fastest of them all, then listen..... Its Flash. Yeah Flash is the winner. But how ...?

If you want a in depth comparison then be with me till the end of this article to know more interesting facts..

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Quicksilver is an amazing speedster but not a special one. Quicksilver was the first speedster in movie we loved watching. His high speed actions were impressive. It was the first time we were watching this type of high speed actions. And if you watched this scene then you probably liked Quicksilver.

As I said Quicksilver is impressive but not so special. We have seen Quicksilver in his fastest speed in "X-men Apocalypse". And after getting knowledge from multiple sources I got to know that on an average Quicksilver was running at a speed of 8200 MACH. Actually MACH is a unit to measure speed.


It means 8200 MACH ~ 10,045,656 KMPH. Which is far away from the speed of light. But in his next movie Quicksilver reached speed of lightening. But thunder lightening's speed is 1/3 of the speed of light. This means Quicksilver can run at speed close to speed of light but can't reach the exact speed of light. In the comics it mentioned that the faster the Quicksilver will run the more problems he will face. That's why he never exceeded his limits or did experiments. In another comics Quicksilver ran faster than the speed of radio waves. And radio waves travel with the speed of light. So here, we can say that in comics Quicksilver ran faster than the speed of light.

So Pietro normally runs at the speed of 05-10 MACH and in some severe situations he can run at the speed of 10,000-12,000 MACH. Running faster than the speed of radio waves means running faster than the speed of light. It means if required, he can run 2 or 3 times faster than the speed of light. There is a comic "Flash VS Quicksilver" where we can see Flash as a winner. Which means although Quicksilver can run 2 or 3 times faster than the speed of light but to travel in time or to manipulate time he has to cross all limits of time. So the result is that Quicksilver can't win a race against Flash. But can he win a race against Sonic?

Sonic The Hedgehog

In a game called "Sonic Adventure" it is mentioned that on an average Sonic can run at a speed of 5700MPH. Read carefully, I said "on an average". In other many records it is mentioned that Sonic can run faster than the speed of light. But their accuracy seems not guaranteed, because if he is this fast then why he can't catch Eggman in his classic game.

Ok I know this is just a game.

Sonic has many other versions other than his original form. For example: Super Sonic, Darkspine Sonic, Sonic's Head-Beast forms, Death Sonic, Werehog, Hyper Sonic etc. With the forms his speed and strength also varies. Without being indulged in more scientific terms lets talk about Sonic's game developer "Takashi Iizuka ". Takashi Iizuka is the guy who designed almost every game of Sonic. When someone asked him that "Is it confirmed that Sonic can run at the speed of light ?" Then he answered:


I mean really ? 😏 Although Sonic (may be) can run faster than the Quicksilver but he will never be faster than the Flash. Yes, it is confirmed that Sonic can run faster than the speed of light. In his comic and games and books it is mentioned that he can run faster than the speed of light. But there is no scientific explanation to that. His powers are not so convincing.


Last but not the least, our Flash. As I said in the beginning of the article that Flash is the winner of today's comparison. But How ? I'll give you only one example for that.

First of all Flash can reach anywhere in just a ***king ATTO SECOND. An Atto Second means: 0.000000000000000001 second. Seventeen Zeros after the decimal and then 1. That's how small this time is. Light can circulate around the Earth seven time in just a second but light can bearly travel from one molecule to the other in just 1 Atto Second.

And then he said, I can run faster than this too. And actually, he did this in a comic called "Flash. The Human Race".

In this specific comic there came nine omni potent being from from the different conrners of the universe. What these nine omni potent being do ? Actually, they travel from planet to planet in search of every planet's fastest being and ask him to do a race in their own time and space. If someone wins then his planet will be safe but if someone lose then his planet will be destroyed by that omni potent. When they caught Flash and ask him to do the same, Flash got frightened and thought for a while that how he can win a race in someone's own space and time. So gets an idea. He challenges that nine omni potent being that He can reach earth faster than them. One of them says: this is not possible as we can instantly teleport to Earth. You can't win against us. Flash keeps asking them to accept the challenge and at last they accept.

Now Flash calls on earth to tell that everyone has to run. From kids to elderly people, even Justice league have to run in order to create a kinetic energy so that Flash can use it to cross all the limits of time which he never crossed yet. By using all people's kinetic energy, his own kinetic energy and using every joule's kinetic energy he does this: In a very small fraction of a second he reaches earth. This fraction was so small that even there is no word to describe it. He reached in smaller than the smallest unit of second.

And if we talk about the smallest unit of time, that is Plank Instant. To understand Plank Instant is difficult. So in a simple way, according to Quantum mechanics "Plank Instant" is the smallest unit of time which exist in our universe. To measure this we can see proton traveling one Plank distance. And this is the smallest quantity of time which exist in our universe. To travel this fast we could break speed itself. And our Science doesn't deal at this smallest level. If Flash can do this, then it means He is available everywhere at everytime. He says he achieved transtime velocity too. After doing this he wins against that nine omni potent beings. Saved the planet Earth. This could not be considered as speed because this is beyond the speed.

So the most deserving winner from Quicksilver, Sonic and Flash is one and only Flash. Because this is the character who is described in best way with some scientific logics too.

Which one is your favorite? Let me know in the comments below. And if you liked my article then

Thanks 😊

Note: The images used in this article are not mine. Credit should be given their original authors.

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$ 0.38 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Bjorn
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3 years ago
Topics: Movies, Comics


I appreciate how you tackle things here. I suggest you should include links to your sources next time. worth reading though. keep it up.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you so much for appreciation @Bjorn. Currently I don't know how to add links. But probably will learn it soon.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

just copy the links and paste them directly to the body of your article. or If you would like to make it look neat. highlight the words then right-click if you are using PC then the options for adding links will pop up. that's it.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ok thanks

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3 years ago