society is broken. it needs to evolve

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3 years ago

   From a historical perspective. A societies functionality is dependent on large percentage of the populace is needed to be complacent. Complacency for the social norm is one of the primary factors determining the overall strength of the  civilization.


   A requisite of the working class is to agree with the societal norm. As well as work to continue it's functionality. Excluding totalitarianism this can be accomplished in a number of ways. Seemingly less harmful end starting with societal contract laws to determine the rules of land. Adherence to said rules from the working class perspective ensures a better standard of living.


     Law's when in ideal situation are usually helpful overall. Unfortunately ideal situations are far from the norm. Much more common scenario being that the social contract at it's core is flawed. Though unintended a flawed societal contact ensures a divide in the civilization. Such a division will inevitably end with a fractured society.


      Those in power commonly relied on less than acceptable methods to quell civil discourse. Blaming an either internal or external sources seemingly the most common. From a leaders perspective this is the only way to ensure stability for the largest percentage of its population. Obviously this does not fix the overall issues with the society in question. As a result the scapegoat solution inevitably ends in violence.


      Somehow more deplorable option being the method of social and economic segregation. A process in witch a sub-sect of the population as a whole finds it much more difficult to advance economically. The unfortunate intentional result of this being discrimination. Those who've been affected by such measures are almost left with no option. Either suffer under broken social laws or break said laws. Those in power use said civil unrest as proof that their right to punish disobedience.  Unaffected sections of the population unfortunately want things to stay the same.


     True systemic changes would undoubtedly be the desired outcome to those affected. However often those complacent with the social norm view changes as if they where intended to punish them. When in truth the goal is equality for everyone in the society. Most leaders view changes as uncertain. Fearing the unknown they try to persuade the population that those seeking equality are the ones to blame for all societal shortcomings.


      Realistically no one is perfect i certainly am a flawed individual. However this problem is as old a society. There may have been points long ago where this form of thinking would be something to consider given lack of resources and other environmental factors. Survival of the species may have made it a necessity.


       Modern society should be a different matter entirely. Though it would be obvious to the informed observer that this outdated extreme method is used by society's throughout the modern world.


Leaders have taken drastic tactics that should only be used in apocalyptic situations as a last resort. Applying them to non existent or solvable issues for short-term selfish gain. Absurd as it may seem leaders attack forward thinking individuals and ideals. Reluctant to look past their own self interest they demonize and belittle those whose ideals that differ from there own.


       Wether unintended or international the result of this short sited method of leadership inhibits change.


Im not talking technological or scientific advancement because those at heart have economic benefits. The change im talking about is to how current society is structured. We have advanced so rapidly in the last 100 years that technology has made the old closed society obsolete. Our civilization going forward will have radically alter or do away with old notions of us and them. Doing away with such notions in favour of unity will have to be the next step. Falling to do so will ultimately have disastrous consequences. Because we waste energy creating this social divide. We take away from resources that would be better used on real issues facing the species.


     Continuing to think about things as unimportant or anything other than essential will end badly. 2020 has taught us how unprotected and ill prepared our species is for serious problems witch have solutions. The solutions are considered unnecessary and not important. This puts us the general population in great danger for no reason other than greed. Preparation for not just one possible disaster but all disasters we can anticipate. Failure to progress in such a manner will ultimately end in our species extinction.


        Granted im not the most important or smart person these aren't my decisions to make. However given the recent pandemic, protests police brutality and so many other alarming issues i cant possibly hope to name them all. It should be as obvious to more and more people that failure to evolve as a society in this manner will lead to our downfall even our extinction.

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3 years ago
