Oreos history
In 2011 i graduated high school. A friend of mine also graduated as we where in the same class. They had an advanced case of muscular dystrophy and given the severity was in a hurry to start college. Their guardian had intended to give oreo to a animal shelter however pitbuls are considered dangerous and usually put down. I couldn't let that happen to such a nice dog so i decided to adopt her.
When my friend went to college they did what college students do and began experimenting with drugs. We had kept in touch but usually i couldn't find the time to visit irl. After a couple of months i noticed that they had stopped messaging for a long time. Asking around i found out that the had hurt them self wile under the influence their guardian found out and had them sent to rehab. 3 or 4 months after they went to rehab they had been considered OK enough t go home.
They had been able to walk even after they had their accident however after rehab they had ben confined to a wheal chair. Not to place blame but i think that rehab had been responsible for this. I maby should have been their more or maby tried harder to get them to make positive life choices. I feel somewhat guilty because of what happened next.
I had been less social because of my new job 10 hour days construction. They had gotten out of rehab in the spring .In October my friend was on the news they attacked and killed their guardian.
Im shaking while writing this because it still haunts me.
Oreos happy life
Di spite the rough circumstances oreo has had a happy life. Nice to know i had prevented at least one tragedy
I wouldn't share names to respect their family's privacy. The story i shared is all to real I ment no disrespect by posting this i just needed to share .
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