I like many others already find learning to be fun so perhaps these youtube channels and their content are simply a continuation of this fascination. However there are some whom perhaps find learning to be a bit of a chore. The intention of this post is to bring to attention a less traditional form of learning. Compared to a more traditional documentary. From tv shows to movies even video game physics ill try to highlight something that should appeal to everyone. The following three companies bring a different spin to educational content.
Ranging from historical context of a shows narrative or sometimes history of a particular genera. To the philosophy of a show or movie. Even the determination of weather a plot is deep or dumb. Not exclusive to movies or tv shows one of my favorite original aspects to the channel was thug notes. Thug notes is a brief overview of a novels narrative think cliff notes with a modern spin.
Touching on the works of philosophical writings of Jean-Paul Sartre, Slavoj Žižek, as well as many others. They then use the writings and philosophy of such writings to dissect pop culture and help convey the underline philosophy of the media in question. No where else have i found Rick and morty and philosophy share a spot-lite. Below is a link to their channel https://www.youtube.com/user/thugnotes
The theorists
Starting with game theory a channel devoted to potential plot theories of video games. This brand if you will has grown to be a more science centered one. They offer three channels food theory, Film theory, and as already mentioned Game theory. The majority of there content now focuses on common misconceptions and myths associated with each genre in question.
The food theory channel is their most recent my personal favorite. In their videos they have tackled history and importance of coffee. Stores psychological manipulation of consumer's via product placement and probability of decision fatigue influencing purchases. As well as many more videos tackling myths and history of food.
The film theorist This channel is devoted to discussion of in universe theory of certain tv shows and movies. As well as the scientific and mathematical analysis of real world physics applied to fictional problems such as the movie up and the number of balloons required to replicate the house flying.
The game theorists has in the past been just that game theory's or a theory of in game cannon an potential meaning. How ever as the years went on they have come to discuss real world science integrated with the games. For example one of the newer videos that i'm a fan of is the fallout video that discusses the fallout universe and how you could purify water in a similar scenario in reality. Going so far as to give instruction on haw to make a sun still for water purification. Below are the links to food theory film theory and game theory.
Game theory
Food theory
Film theory
Death battle
This channel is devoted to battling to main characters from either anime comics or film. The hosts go over the characters in question and their feats of strength. These characters are then measured by their recorded actions to determine the likely winner. By incorporating known physics and facts from reality to explain their determination. The conceptual argument of superman v.s goku has never been so educational. This channel is probably the least educational however its also the most entertaining. Their channel link is listed below.
Learning is fun the aforementioned channels are simply a medium. The overall fun of learning can be subjective. These channels may help serve as a bridge for those who have yet to see the joy of learning. Anything that helps people see that this is a positive.
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