how to use C.B clicks

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3 years ago

   Many bloggers like myself are interested in increasing their views and site traffic. This is not incredibly easy to do without any experience with site analytics or other forms of experience in web design or coding. Lately I have been fascinated by monetization of creative content and social media. Many people who are on have been frustrated with the launch of the bot system and the removal of the point system.  It has decreased user interaction so they are not commenting or even reading other users articles with fewer views on them. 

     I personally like the new system but it doesn't really work for anyone who is trying to write personal articles or just articles that are not cryptocurrency related. Without the writer being informative in nature most well written articles are not being read.  For any writer who is not sponsored. This means that they will not be paid by the bot as quickly or at all. Myself I'm not sponsored so as a result anything I have written about and was paid for has been a overview of cryptocurrency companies. Nothing that I have written i about personal interest and or about myself hasn't made any money.  

Make certain that you can use the content 

   Make sure you don't break the law or even just unknowingly deprive the creator's. This is not incredibly easy to do  but this will be helpful as well.  I  have not always been as cautious about this issue however as you are aware copyright law is for any and all intellectual property. The pictures or information you have used either should come from a stock image site or be original. This is not the only way you can allso contact some companies to use the brand or logo as long as you have been given permission to do so its fine but you should be aware that failure to do so can end in litigation. 

Example I have been given permission to use. 

Increasing your audience 

    I am certain that most people likely already post their own articles with any social media sites that they have. This isn't news to anyone who blogs and I don't want to bother with the obvious. However my personal reaserch has led me to several tools that many people likely don't know about or atleast don't likely utilize.  Some of the tips are not incredibly helpful as many already use certain resources such as braves content creator functions. You may not be as aware of  C.B clicks from cryptotab or even simple tips such as a branding and brand recognition.

brave content creator.

          I think that most already have been using this but it would be short sited not to just give you a brief description. If you're new to brave or just simply. Haven't signed up with their content creator functions witch isn't the same sign up as the  brave rewards. Brave is a security minded browser that blocks adds and site tracking for you. This ad removal is so strong that YouTube videos will not have ads. They also allow you to watch ads for basic attention token if you want to. If you're a content creator through them witch includes YouTube reddit and Twitter  as well as twitch and 2 others I'm not sure what they are. They allow you to make money on your views site traffic and your number of followers or friends. This is by far the fairest deal to content creator's. If you're not aware of YouTube and it's insane rules regarding the add revenue for the videos you will have to look it up and see.

C.B Click 

     This is unfortunately not as popular as they should be because  their service is so helpful to anyone who uses content creation for money. They allow users to track their own content from their browser extensions or apps. This will provide you with a breakdown of what sites are generating more visitors to your content. The same url can be used on many different sites you're posting on but track the posts of the same content just different forums or pages. This is similar to how you can view site metrics however it's a little less in depth and way less technical. 

     The main focus is on getting a better idea on where the posts are working and what is not being used as often.The importance of this type of information is really invaluable to us as content  creators and many of us are not aware that it even exists. I will show you the difference between your traditional url posts and the ones that I personally have made from the same url.

Example is my subreddit 


Improved url of the same content

shorter url and more information 

Earn what you deserve not what they will give you 

     I am very worried about YouTubes content creator's and not that many are aware of the alternative options for their revenue. They have been using more sponsors if they can or patrons donations for their revenue. They have been using the add revenue funding for their work however YouTube has been reducing if not eliminating any of their creator add revenue. This isn't the creator's fault but they are making them pay the price for their own problems that they have created.

     This may be the end of anyone who you watch on YouTube. It's not going to be the last company that makes it impossible to make a profit on your content. They are just the one that most people likely know of doing something like this. If you're already making content anywhere and you are popular just not making any money for it you are being taken advantage of.

Braves content creator functions  when compared to C.B clicks. will be able to pay you for the popularity of your content regardless of the website you are using. Brave browser is and always will be my personal favorite. However they have some restrictions on what content creator is going to be paid for. The one that is more likely to be used but cannot be listed on the current content creator functions is facebook. This is unfortunately due to the legal requirements of the site regarding its user data collection and their tracking of the users.

Brave content creator limits 

      Facebook is a security risk for this reason brave won't be doing business with them. You may already know what a shady company that facebook is but like me use it regularly regardless of what they are doing.If you're already using these other websites and you are on brave content creator you are not receiving the revenue for the post in question.

C.B clicks advantages 

        C.B Click isn't really a privacy first company so you don't have to worry about the same restrictions as you do with brave.You will be rewarded for your posts of your work on any website that you are getting views on regardless of the website and how they function. You are probably like me and want privacy Control so use Braves browser and just consider using C.B clicks  when you aren't using their approved sites. 

Reclaim what you have had taken 

      People are what gives these companies power we no longer need to make them money to. We have the tools to  help each other and make sure we are not just being taken advantage of. The internet was free once we can free it once again. It's just a matter of understanding what you have had taken from you and how you can prevent it from happening in the first place.

   My brand image



.    Thanks for your time reading this article and for those who are interested in getting more information on what is discussed above please use this link to message me  I'm the moderator of the subreddit and you can just message me from there. I'm not going to likely be aware of any other message as quickly.


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